Chapter 19

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He doesn't know what happened? How is that possible? I'm sure everybody knows by now.

I look down at him lying on the ground. I brush his hair out of his eyes while whispering softly, afraid that if I say it too loud it'll make it true.

"There was an invasion. Everywhere we looked, bodies were strewn over the floor."

He gasps and tries to sit up but he coughs violently and collapses back onto the floor.

Blood drips down his chin after coughing and I start to panic.

"What's going on? Why are you coughing blood!? You are not allowed to die! I will not lose someone else." I yell hysterically.

"Hey hey! Calm down, I'm not going to die. It must be the thing they knocked us out with."

I look at the floor, trying to wipe my tears away without him realizing.

"Look at me. I'll be fine." He raises my head with his forefinger.

"Will you?"

Before he can reply, Demitri starts to stir. He groans and rolls onto his back before opening his eyes.

When recognition dawned on his face, so did his memories. He bolted up right before starting to cough as well.


"What?" I ask, not hearing his mumbling.

"The gas or whatever they knocked us out with, was laced with iron."

"How are you guys affected?" I sit back on my haunches.

"I'm affected because I'm on of the original hybrid fae. He's affected because he's a normal fae. Although he's affected much worse."

We both stare at him before Macon glances at me then back at him. I'm stunned.

First, because I thought the originals were all killed in the human war. And because I don't know what to do with the fact that all my suspicions might be correct.

"I wanted to tell you the day of our 'initiation'," he scrunches his nose at the memory. "But everything happened so fast and I forgot."

I glance at Macon, only to see he's deathly pale.

Dimitri slowly gets up and moves towards us with his hands in the air. I narrow my eyes at him but let him continue.

He kneels next to Macon, placing his hand on his forehead and mumbling incoherently.

He starts gagging again and I scramble back as he starts throwing up again.

"What did you do?!"

"The iron in his system was slowly killing him. This is the only way to get rid of it."

I nod my head slowly as realization dawns on me.

I tuck away the bit of information of his healing abilities in the back of my mind.

At the mention of powers, my mind goes back to what happened. Dimitri must've noticed my face fall because he kneels in front of me.

"I don't know what happened or what you did, but never forget it. This is who you are and will determine your future.

It isn't going to be easy and you should prepare yourself for the nightmares, but it will get better. Pick your head up and be strong, there are people who need you."

I look at him with blurry eyes, but wipe away my tears and get up. He nods in approval and glances back to Macon.

" I'll have to take him to the mountains. The other originals will help heal him. He can not die, everything will unravel."

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