Chapter 20

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The last few days have been a whirlwind of activity. All the men were taken to the castle where rooms were organized for them while the women without children started cleaning the town and the castle.

Restoration is taking a little bit longer, because the town was damaged badly and I didn't realize the extent of damage on the castle.

The kitchen was destroyed, along with all the royal bedrooms and all the training ground.

We had to put all the bodies on the lawns for the families to take. A mass funeral will be held by the end of this week. The small graveyard we had was extended into the forrest.

Instead of the normal gravestone we had to modify it a little bit because of the amount of bodies.

Everyone can choose a personal item which will be sealed into a tree and the ashes placed in the ground under the tree.

Nik was assigned as my general for the time being, helping plan and arrange everything.

I sent a letter to the Heart family, explaining what happened and that they'll have to decide what to do with my brother's and Rae's mating because my brother won't leave me. They are due to arrive tomorrow for the funeral.

A knock comes from the door and pulls me back into reality. I've been staring out the window instead of signing all of the papers.

"Come in."

"Hey sis, how're you doing today?" Nik pokes his head through the door before closing it quietly.

He comes to sit on the chair in front of my father's desk. It's a deep brown, mahogany desk.

It's ancient and extremely heavy, but also holds many memories of us.

"Managing. Everything is so stressful and half of the time I have no idea what I'm doing, " I rub my face, leaning back in the chair.

"Yea tell me about it. But we'll get through it, hopefully."

I give him a small smile.

"So have you and Rae decided what to do with the mating?"

He sighs heavily and takes out a piece of paper. The paper is crinkled, like it's been opened and closed alot. Delicate writing laces the yellowish page.

"What's this?" I ask, gently taking the paper.

"Rae was to scared to talk to you, so she made me bring the letter to you."

Dear Queen Azara

I'll get straight to the point, I know you're busy. We aren't happy here, there are to many memories, plaguing our every waking moment.

I think it's best to leave for a little while, or just until you get your kingdom under control.

We will be leaving right after the funeral at the end of the week. I really do hope you understand and that you don't take this to badly.

Love, Rae xxx

I crumple the paper in my hand as I finish reading. I force my face to go blank as I look up at Nik.

A frown marres his face and he looks worried. I take a deep breath, trying to get my anger under control.

"You agree with this?" My voice comes out a bit rough while I wave the paper in front of his face.

"Uhm -"

"Because if you do, I am very sorry. I will not allow you to go anywhere. I just got you back!

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