Chapter 13

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I groan as Dimitri rubs my back with a healing salve. 3 Hours. That's how long it took for Blake to get rid of all his disappointment.

My back is basically pieces of skin hanging while in some places there's just pools of blood.

"Dimitri would you stop being so rough, for heavens sake my back is raw!" I clench the table harder when he rubs on an especially bad place.

"Oh shut up. You know I'm being gentle, you're just very damaged. So tell me why was he so angry in the first place."

I let out a yelp when something cold is pressed to my back. Probably the ice. We've discovered that ice makes it heal faster.

The first time Blake whipped me was when I was young, 1 of the servants saw how bad my back was and put fallen snow on it. It was already better by the next day.

After Blake whipped me he said that I'm suppose to go back to the castle, seeing as though this is a perfect opportunity to gain some info.

I have no clue how I'm going to walk never mind get the said info. This is so frustrating.

"Not angry, disappointed. First because I got captured then because I didn't make it an effort to learn something. Just tried to escape."

"Ouch!! Don't peel the ice of you dumbass! Gently." I wince as he pulls one of the ice pack off.

"Ok, I get the being captured thing, but the info is a bit harsh. Maybe you just caught him on a bad day. Oh and by the way, I'm coming with you to the castle."

This man has an uncanny way of changing topics by the second. It takes me a moment to register his words, but then I gasp.

" How? Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled, but I'm sure the people there would know if a stranger was walking about." I turn my head slightly to look at him.

Bad mistake. I collapse onto the table as pain shoots through my whole body. This is the worst beating I've ever received, aside from almost being hanged when I was younger.

Long story. Dimitri puts another layer of salve on then starts wrapping my body with bandages. It's a long and painful procedure, but we've dond it so many times that it's normal. Sad, I know.

"I'm a new recruit. How Blake managed to get me into the castle gaurds is beyond me though."

"Hmm," I reply vaguely.

"So did you see the princess? I hear she's suuuper hot." He tugs the end of the bandage into an open space then comes to sit in front of me.

I breath out a laugh. Only he would say something so bold and ridiculous.

"Yea I met her. She is beautiful, but very stubborn."

"Oh? Do you think I'll meet her?" His eyes twinkle at the mention of maybe meeting her.

"Maybe. She trains with the gaurds sometimes."

Her body, hot from exercising, is pressed up against my chest as her breath tickles my face. Her mouth is so close, all I want to do is lean a bit closer to taste it.

Her voice breaks through my thoughts when she asks me to get of off her. Cold air replacing her body, make me regret it instantly.

"Hey, what're you smiling about. No wonder Blake got mad at you, you look like a love sick puppy."

His words rip me out of the memory. I didn't even realize it I was smiling and I quickly make my face blank. Dimitri smirks and I know I'm in for a ear full.

"Who's the girl? Can I meet her? Is she pretty? What does she look like?"

He bombards me with a million questions, but I don't feel like explaining that there is no girl. Just my body betraying me to hormones, that's all.

"No girl. Now let me sleep, getting whipped takes a lot out of you."

He rolls his eyes, pointedly looking at me. I sigh, knowing this conversation isn't over. I'll just have to find a way to distract him from the topic. Unfortunately, he doesn't forget things easily, to my dismay.

" Yea yea, we have to leave in a couple of hours if we want to make it back before anyone notices your gone. I'll drop you of at your room then prepare myself for the gaurd test."

"Sounds good." A big yawn escapes my lips, reminding me that I haven't slept in what felt like forever.


"Wake up! Macon dammit, wake up!"

Something cold splashes me in the face, makeing me jump. Well more like jerking my head up because I'm still laying on the table.

"What the hell!" I groan and rub my eyes as I try to get my mind to focus.

"I've been trying to wake you up for 20 min! We have to leave, NOW!"

He grabs my arm and almost pulls me of the table. My legs react in time, luckily, and I brace myself with my legs.

Hot, searing pain moves up and down my spine but I have to ignore it. If Dimitri took so long to wake me up, it should almost be dawn.

That's not good. Most gaurds wake up at dawn and if I'm not there, all hell would break loose.

"Come on! Here's your bag. Horses waiting outside," he screams, practically already out the door.

I stumble after him as best I can, clutching my bag in one hand while the other holds my stomach.

I reach the horses, DT already on one, while a girl sits on the other. It must be one of the new trainees because I've never seen her.

Blake must've told her to lead the horses back into town after she dropped us of. I clench my jaw when I pull myself onto the horse.

My back is on fire and I wouldn't be surprised if some of the wounds reopened.

"10 Minutes!" DT is starting to get frantic, which isn't good.

Luckily, the road up to the palace isn't far and we make it with a couple minutes to spare.

The looming gate sits in front of us from a distant. We quickly climb down, while DT leads the way to the secret entrance Blake used to get inside.

I can see the sun starting to rise, golden rays flickering around us.

The hole in the side of the wall, covered with ivy, is small and I scratch my back on it a few times.

It took a lot out of me not to cry out in pain. My jaw is aching from all the pressure and I consciously relax it.

"Where's your room?" DT asks quietly.

"Up there." I point to my window on the second storey.

DT looks at me with sympathy, climbing up the pipe first. He helps me a few times, where the pain got to intense and I almost fainted.

The window is still open, thankfully. We climb through and I immediately collapse onto the floor.

I feel something trickling down my back and when I feel, my hand comes away bloody.

"How long... until... you need to go?" I wheeze out.

My vision is swimming with black and white spots, a huge wave of nausea hitting me.

"Not for a couple of hours. Just get on the bed and I'll tend to your wounds. You'll have to tell them you're sick or something." He walks towards the bathroom, eyeing the room in awe.

None of us has ever had a room so big and luxurious. Being an assassin has it's ups but also some major downs.

I use the last of my strength to push myself of the floor, probably looking like a drunk as I fall onto the bed. The movement causes another hit of pain to shoot through me and that's when I finally blacked out.


Hii, If you have any questions feel free to ask!! Remember to vote, comment and share❤️

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