Chapter 27

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I seriously need a break. Between planning the ball and trying to figure out a way to keep everyone safe, I haven't had a moment to myself in forever.

I'm trying really hard to focus on what Cook's mother is saying but my eyes keep closing on their own accord and I miss half of it.


I flinch to the side as Eric places his hand on my shoulder. I rub my eyes to see everyone staring at me. Cook looks worried.

"Are you alright my dear?" She asks.

"Yes yes, fine. Just... fine." I try to sit up straight but my body is tired and I'm not very successful.

"Would you like to go for a walk?" Eric softly asks.

"No we have to -" One of the elders tries to interject but Cook cuts him off.

"Yes, please."

I stand up slowly, following Eric outside. Once we're out of shape he stops.

"What's going on?"

I stop a little bit slower and look up at him.

"What do you mean?" I frown, unconsciously rubbing my eyes.

"You look like you haven't slept in days."

"Not really. If I haven't been trying to plan everything, I've been lying awake at night."

He suddenly grabs my hand and drags me behind him. I'm a bit shocked but follow him.

We move up the stairs, but my tired legs can't keep up and I slip. I brace myself to smash my face into the stairs, but it never comes.

Opening my eyes slowly, I come face
to face with Eric. He furrows his brows and looks at me strangely.

After inspecting every inch of my face, he slowly helps me back to my feet.

"Uhm, sorry. I didn't realize how tired you are. I was thinking we can go to the library and maybe just relax for a while."

I can't find my voice, so I just nod. He takes my hand again, much gentler this time. We walk much slower down the hallway.

I'm extremely aware of how close we're walking. I keep sneaking glances at his face, admiring his profile.

As I'm staring at his jawline, he turns his head and catches me. I quickly look away, probably blushing a bright red.

His thumb starts tracing circles on the back of my hand. Goosebumps travel along my whole body and I smile softly.

Wait, what!?

No, what about Macon?

I must've shown some of my confusion because Eric looked at me funny.

"What're you thinking about?"

I wanted to lie, I really did, but something about him just kind of forced me to blurt out the truth.

"Uhm, there was this guy."

As soon as I said that, he started to let go of my hand. I panicked, not wanting to let go, so I gripped it harder.

"But, but he was always cold towards me and I don't really know why I thought I liked him. We had this connection but I never had the chance to ask my parents about it."

His hand enclosed around mine again and I sighed in relief. We walked the rest of the way to the library in silence.

Once we reached it he had to let go of my hand again. It felt cold and empty without his, but I wouldn't take it again.

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