Chapter 24

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The book in front of me is big and leathery, with words I don't fully understand.

My father tried to teach me the ancient language but I was never interested.

For the past week I've been trying to figure something, anything out about the sword.

I've combed through part of the library and all I've found so far is that it kills my father and some descriptions, which of course, I already know.

The book im trying to read now seems to have a little more information, but I can only make out part of the sentence which is kind of useless.

After reading the same sentence for the fiftieth time, I lean back and rub my eyes. I look around the room to find a few of the soldiers in here with me.

They must already be done with training. I sigh and mentally prepare myself for the day's events.

To think I should've been hosting balls and finding a suitable suitor instead of worrying about keeping everyone safe.

I glance at another book sitting beside the mountain of other books. The book that 'chose me'. I'm kind of freaked out by it and I haven't touched it since the day with the elders.

I've seen a lot of magical things, considering I'm fae, but magical text isn't one of them. I sigh again and decide to go check on the new staff.

Nikolas has been training with the elders to strengthen his magic, which means he's going to test them.

I haven't told anyone about that one time my magic manifested and Nik hasn't either.

I've tried a few times to do it again, but I have no idea what I did never mind how I did it.

I slowly get up, placing the books back where I found them and take the magical book with me.

The soldiers try to be inconspicuous but I notice their subtle glances. I've been closed off since my parents deaths.

Nik has tried a few times to get me to join them at training, but I don't have the energy to fight anymore.

Cook has also tried to talk to me, but it's not working. I know everyone is worried about me, but right now I don't care.

"Your majesty?"

I jerk up in suprise. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice where I was going. I've stopped in front of my parents bedroom.

The 2 servants must've been walking down the hall when they saw me. The young woman's arm is linked to, whom I assume is her mother's, arm.

They both have a slight frown marring their faces. My mind races to come up with an excuse but the older woman seems to understand and gives me a small smile.

"We were just going down to the kitchen. Cook insisted that we make some type of banana cookies. Would your majesty like to join us?" She asks enthusiastically.

"Mother!?" The younger woman says, looking appalled.

"I would love to. Thank you." I bow my head slightly in thanks.

The girl looks shocked, but smiles. All of us walk down the hallway while the 2 of them talk. I listen silently to their argument about a boy.

"You've talked to him once! How would you know if you loved him or not? Maybe he has some type of quirk that you don't like, have you thought about that?!"

I chuckle silently at the girl's shocked expression. She was about to say something when I have an idea.

"How about... we organize a ball. So that she can learn the boys odds and ends and you'll be able to keep an eye on them."

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