Chapter 10

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I pace around the garden, waiting for Luka. Where are they?! It's getting really late and if my father founds out I'm out here so late, I'll be in big trouble.

I blow out a breath and sit down on the fountain's edge. I bring my knees to my chest, covering my face with my hands.

I don't know who I'm going to choose, I don't want someone in my room. On the other hand, I can't wait to see my aunt and uncle again.

I hear the sound of multiple sets of boots walking towards me. I give them a few seconds to become uncomfortable before looking up.

Luka and Jack are fidgeting with either their feet or hands, while Macon just looks at me. His once shocking green eyes have chnaged to a deep, dark green.

He's also still emotionless and his face remains cold. I sigh, letting my feet down.

"We have a situation."

Luka perks up, happy that I'm talking.

"What's the situation, princess?"

"One of you needs to be with me at all times. Even in my room, which I am not all that thrilled about. I don't want to choose so sort it out between the 3 of you." I say nonchalantly, so over this entire day.

I look up at the sky, orange rays peek through the massive trees surrounding the garden. It's getting late, which means my mother is going to call us in for dinner at some point.

" How? "Jack asks nervously.

He's been nervous a lot lately. I wonder if there's something going on that I don't know about. I narrow my eyes in thought and he squirms a little bit. I'll need to find out what's going on.

" I don't care. Play a game, ask Quintin, fight. Just get it done by tomorrow evening. Understood?" I'm getting annoyed with their fidgeting.

I look over to Macon, but he hasn't moved an inch since they came outside. Something's definitely changed. I sigh, walking back inside.

"You're dismissed."

Luckily they didn't dare follow me at this moment, opting to go their own ways. I'm a little disappointed Macon didn't say anything, but I have to admit, it kind of was my fault he became distant.

The halls are quiet, too quiet. It's normally like this, but at least I see a servant once in a while. Maybe it's just my imagination.

I decide to head down to Cook. I haven't seen her in a few days and I miss her ability to make me feel beter. I walk down the halls to the kitchen, an eerie feeling making me shiver. It's definitely to quiet.

The small wooden door nestled at the bottom of another flight of stairs are open slightly. For some reason I decide to be quiet. I tip toe down the stairs peering into the room.

The big hearth in the middle of the room is still lit, with a few pots hanging over it. A wonderful smell is coming from inside the pots and I go to take a step into the room, but I freeze when I hear someone whispering.

I quickly move away from the light back into the hallway, pausing for a second, afraid they heard me when everything goes quiet. After a gut wrenching few seconds, I hear their voices again.

I glance between the space between the door and wall, trying to see who it is. I recognize one of the servants on my parent's floor, but I can't see the other person.

"No one needs to know about this, not even Cook. Understand? Macon is our key to get revenge on King Debias and all his light fae."

The servant nods her head, smiling wickedly. Someone's out to get my family? The only person I know that has a hatred that runs that deep, is Aric and all his dark fae. I stifle a scream as a hand covers my mouth.

" You shouldn't have heard that," someone breaths into my ear.

I didn't even hear this person descending the steps! I struggle a little bit, managing to catch a glimpse of this person. Ashton?

"Daniel! You might want to get going now," Ashton says a little louder.

A small male steps in front of the door. He's wearing all black with a cloak covering his head and a black mask covering the whole of his face, except his blue eyes.

Marking him as a dark fae. His eyes widen slightly as he spots me, but recovers quickly. A breathy laugh escapes his mouth, making me shiver. It feels like a snake slithering down my spind.

"Of all the people. You were suppose to keep the whole family away from the kitchen, you imbecile."

The strangers voice never rises, but I feel like I just got yelled at even though it was directed at Ashton. I can feel Ashton cringing behind me, his hand never leaving my mouth.

"Look, if you're not up for the job just tell me. I'll find someone else, general," he snarls the title like it's poison he's forced to drink.

"I'm up for it. Just give me another chance, the princess just slipped my grasp for a second."

"It beter not happen again. No one will find you if you do."

In a flash, the stranger is gone. Almost like he dissapeared. I look back through the hole to see the servant is gone.

Right then, light footsteps come closer to the stairs where we're standing. Ashton releases my mouth, only to lean closer to me again.

Our mouths are inches away from each other. I try to move away but he grips my hip, making me stop. He caresses my face, while I try not to cry.

"If you so much as breath a word to anyone, I'll personally make sure no one in your family survives."

I'm to scared to do anything but stand there, waiting for whoever it is to come down the stairs.

I throat clears behind us and Ashton moves away from me as though we were caught doing something we weren't suppose to do. My eyes never leave his until someone speaks.

"Princess, general Ashton. Can I help you with something?" Cook asks hesitantly.

She's a petite lady, with a brilliant smile and soft brown eyes. She has soft laugh lines covering the edges of her eyes.

Her motherly aura makes her perfect for talking to. Ever since I was little she used to sneak me some cookies or other kinds of sweets when no one was looking.

Ashton breaths a laugh, feigning indifference. His whole demeanor has changed, like nothing ever happened. I notice his hand on my hip tightening.

"Oh nothing! I was on my way to make a special request for breakfast when I found this one sneaking around." He laughs again, emphasizing the words.

"Is that right? Well princess, what were you looking for?" She asks curiously, studying the way he's still holding me.

I hesitate to answer for a second, but a hard squeeze from him forces me to stutter out an explanation.

"I - I was wondering if you made some of t - those banana cookies again," I say slightly wincing from the pain.

She seems to realize that something isn't quite right, thankfully. She walks closer to us, moving between our 2 body's and grabbing my hand. She squeezes it and my body instantly relaxes.

" Thank you for... taking care of her, general. I'll take it from here," she says quietly turning to the kitchen.

He smiles but when she turns away, he sneers at me. I tense again and she looks back. He quickly masks his expression, before walking away. Cook leads me into the kitchen, warily looking at me.


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