Author's note

347 31 11

Hi everyone! Welcome to Frost.

My name is Bella and thank you so much for reading my book. If you are here after reading my other book, thank you. If you are new welcome, I hope you stay. I have another book if you want to read it, called Valkyrie Demons. It is completed and you can find it on my wattpad page.

I have a few things I need to cover before going into the book. First I will be posting chapters twice a week. I won't give exact days because sometimes things happen and I won't be able to update.

Second, I will be leaving everything up to your imagination. If I get enough requests to show you how I picture the characters, I will put some photos up. If not then you'll have to use your imagination.

Also, please don't copy, steal or translate my work. It's really hard writing something just for someone else to steal it. I believe everyone is talented in their own ways and can create something amazing on their own.

Make sure to comment now and then and don't forget to vote and share.

Amazing cover by IlunkeNell4

Now let's get started ❤️

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