Chapter 15

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My brother has a mate, my brother has a mate! Those same words keep repeating over and over in my mind.

I stare at this girl, Rae I think her name is. My mother told me once what it was like to find your mate, she made it seem so wonderful.

I'm glad for my brother but as my mother urges them to take a walk and get to know each other, I can't help but feel a sinking sensation in my stomach.

My brother has a mate, whom he's probably going to go live with. Usually the female comes to live with the male, but because I'm next in line for the throne, they can't live here.

It's a dumb rule my grandfather made because when I meet my mate, his whole family will be living in the castle, making it a bit crowded.

I watch as they walk of towards the forrest, my mom and Emma walking back into the castle.

"Are you coming dear?" Emma asks, looking worried.

"In a... minute," I say distractedly, still following my brother with my eyes.

I don't want to lose my brother, after he just started talking to me again. I'm probably not going to be attending his lessons with him. Then there's the problem with the gaurds and Aric and ugh!

When did my life get so frustrating. I walk back, intending to check on Macon and see if the healer followed my orders, all the while grumbling under my breath.

When I reach my room, I can hear people talking inside. I catch the last of the healers sentence when I push my door open.

"- not possible. I was here the whole time." She exclaims, pointing a finger at Jack.

"What's not possible?" I ask, noting Jack's warry expression.

"His -" she points to Macon laying face down on the bed. " - was whipped, but the wounds healed right before my eyes. The scars are still there mind you, but it's completely healed."

I look towards Macon. His skin is a pale white, a layer of sweat covering his back. Line upon line of scars, old and new, covering the length of his back. His eyes are closed, but his brows are furrowed.

"Why was he whipped?" I'm very confused, because I can't remember my father ever doing that to his gaurds.

"I can't answer that, Jack?" The healer asks.

"No idea." He shrugs, but he's frowning.

"Princess, I have to go. More trainees are being brought in today."

"Your dismissed. Thank you Jack." I give him a small smile of assurance.

He bows slightly and slips out the door. I turn my attention back towards Macon.

Besides the frown marring his face, he looks beautiful. The lines around his eyes are relaxed, making his skin look even more smooth.

His lips are slightly open, the air moving a strand of hair near his cheek.

"Princess, if I may?" The healer has a tinkle in her eye, like she knows something I don't.

"Go ahead."

"He might be of fae origin, your majesty." She wrings her hands, almost like she's nervous.

"Yes, the possibility has crossed my mind. We'll have to do a blood test to make certain though." I say, combing my hand through my hair.

"But-but only the king can do that and if he found out, he'll kill him."

My father doesn't like strange fae roam his land without him knowing. Besides, all of the fae live together just outside the forrest in their own villages.

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