Chapter 26

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Sooo, apparently I have some super awesome powers as well. The only catch is... Elijah needs to take a dive into my soul.

How fantastic does that sound?! I'm pacing around the room I'm staying at.

They're expecting me to give them an answer today, otherwise my memories will be taken away and I'll be sent back.

I won't remember getting captured, I won't remember the castle and... I won't remember Azara.

For some strange reason her name keeps popping up into my mind. It's not like we like each other or anything, so why do I feel like I'll be lost if I forget her.

I can see the sun starting to rise amd I rub the tiredness out of my eyes. I didn't sleep at all and it's almost time to go.

I quickly take a bath and change into some clean clothes. At some point Dimitri came in and almost scared the living daylights out of me.

"Have you decided?" He's been very distant lately and he even sounds closed off when he talks to me.


He gives me a look and pointedly looks at the couch. I plop onto it, facing him.

"No. I just don't know what to do. Everything is just happening so fast and I don't know what to do. I mean Blake used to go on and on about how horrible fae are."

He leans forward and rubs his neck. That's never a good sign. It means he's stressed about telling me something.

" I know you don't want to hear this right now. But I have to tell you something. I've been putting it off because I didn't want to knock your world more than it already has been."

I lace my fingers together and put my chin in it. I'm sure as hell I'm not going to like this.

He has this look in his eye from when we were kids and he got me in trouble. I used to get hard beatings because of him.

" Alright. "

" Blake isn't your father."

My mouth falls open and I almost topple of the couch. Of everything... THAT I did not expect.

"H - How..." My mind stops working and I just stare at him.

"It's a long story. The short version is that your parents were cousins to the Dark court. Your father was on his way there but he owed some people money.

The men tracked him down but instead found you. They wanted a very powerful weapon in exchange for you. Your father begged Aric to give him the sword and finally he agreed.

The plan was to do the exchange then kill the men and take the sword back, but no one knew that their leader was fae. He killed the man before he could call for back up.

By that time they were to late. The man had taken over your mind and slaughtered everyone who was involved. "

Could my life get any more complicated!? Seriously, why don't they just me I come from the sun and is sent to wipe out humanity or something.

" Who is the man? " I have an idea who it is, but I need him to confirm it.

" Blake."

My heart drops into my stomach. Hearing it makes it so much more real. I take a deep breath and set my face to stone.

Showing any emotion will only make it worse for everyone. There's one thing I still don't understand though.

"Why would he want me to hate fae?"

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