Chapter 38

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Waking up, I find that I actually feel better. Although my ribs are most likely still broken, because I have to hold in a scream as I move.

I look around the room, trying to figure out what woke me up. After a few minutes, I realize it was my bladder.

I swing my legs over the side of the bed, holding my ribs. It doesn't do much, but surprisingly, putting pressure on it takes a little bit of pain away.

Quickly relieving myself, I come face to face with Bryce. He looks furious as he traps me against the wall, his hands on either sides of my head.

He leans close to me and I can practically smell his breath. It's surprisingly pleasant with a minty scent.

"Trying to escape, princess?" He taunts.

The title infuriates me and I shove past him. The sudden movement causes me pain, but I bite my lip.

"You know very well I'm a queen and no matter what you say, it won't change," I say, easing myself onto the bed.

Suddenly, he's there beside me. Lifting me up and putting me on his lap. I struggle at first, but I become faint as the pain becomes unbearable.

"Why are you doing this?" I whisper.

He strokes my hair and a pang shoots through my heart. Why am I suddenly missing Macon? I wish things were different and I actually got to know him.

"Oh nothing much. I just want you for myself and Macon is in my way," he says close to my ear.

I try to move away again, but his hand accidently presses against my ribs. I scream but he suddenly silences me with a kiss.

I'm still paralyzed by fear and I sit frozen. I'm shocked to the core about what happened. it wasn't a forceful kiss, it was more of a kiss to try and silence my scream.

"I'm sorry, that wasn't on purpose. I want you to try and not scream. Every time you do it you risk being exposed to the savage minions outside your door."

I try to block it out, but my anxiety is starting to take over. Fear paralyzing me. I unconsciously grip his hand and turn my face into his chest.

He holds me for a few seconds longer, just sitting in silence. I breath deeply trying to slow my heart rate.

"I might have a plan to get you out of here," he whispers.

Shocked, I turn around, facing him. I analyze his face trying to find any signs that he's lying. Finding nothing, I jump out of his arms.

Doubling over, I hold my ribs, breathing hard. He starts to get up but I hold my hand out.

"Stop! No, give me space."

He retreats slowly, sitting back on the bed. He watches me closely as I try to get my breath back.

"Can you lift your shirt?"

I give him an exasperated look and he sputters. He probably realized how it sounded.

"I meant so that I can see what the damage is."

I haven't actually looked at my injuries since it happened. I'm a little scared to see the extend of it, but I've had loads injuries before.

Taking a deep breath, I gather some courage. Lifting my shirt slowly, I gasp. Purple bruises stretch all the way across my stomach, up towards my chest.

Dark blue blotches line some parts. Bryce gets up slowly, kneeling before me. He lightly traces the lines, pressing and prodding on some parts.

I wince more than I care to. He gently turns me around, following the extend of the bruising. He gasps and I crane my neck to see what's going on.

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