Chapter 18

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Hii guyss!! So just a little warning, some parts might be a bit violent... so just skip past them ❤️ Hope you guys enjoy it... remember to Vote - Comment - Share ❤️



"Look Quintin, I know your ego is hurt and all, but telling us they're aiding Aric is low, even for you." I cross my arms over my chest as I look up at Quintin.

He's frowning at me before looking at the king. My father's eyes are blank, meaning he's still tracking Macon and the new guy.

"Don't you think it's weird that he showed up with a mysterious injury then healed very quickly? Then on his first hide and seek, he manages to beat our top fighters."

"That does sound rather suspicious. Why didn't anyone mention his injury, I could've checked it out?" My father shakes his head to clear his vision, then glances down at me.

"I didn't hear about it until this morning your majesty," Quintin says with a slight bow. "But I hear Princess Azara knew all about it."

He grins at me and I frown at him. It's not like Quintin to rat me out. Something's going on.

"Oh? We'll have to have a talk then."

"Father I -"

"Not now. They're back. Find out what the 2 boys know." My father waves a dismissive hand at me and I stare in shock.

That's a first. He's never dismissed me for anything before. Not even when I was little and did some stupud stuff to gain his attention.

Macon and the new guy, I think his name is Dimitri, jogs into the clearing with the 2 boys in front of them. Macon looks a little bit pale and keeps glancing behind him.

I look at the trees behind him and see a dark shadow move between the bushes.

"Did you see that?" I ask Sam, who came to stand next to me.

"See what?" He frowns at me and I shake my head.

Maybe I'm seeing things. I haven't had a decent night's rest since what happened between me and Macon.

I tried to tell my mom but everytime I went to her, she was busy with something, so eventually I gave up.

I stay behind as my father walks toward them. I soon get bored of everything and head back up to my room.

The gaurds on duty smiles and bows slightly when I walk past them. I nod my head, acknowledging them.

The halls are busy today, maids running up and down, cleaning everything in sight. Servants hurrying past me with quick hallo's, carrying platters of food.

I think my mom organized a feast or something for Lord and Lady Heart. I decide to take a detour towards the kitchen, seeing what food they're making.

Cook gives me a smile before shouting out more orders for the servants.

A huge range of food is layed out on the tables, waiting for something to take it to the royal table.

I sit and watch everyone, enjoying the chaos. After about 2 hours, Cook finally wipes her hands on a towel and walks towards me.

"Quite a spread you've got here Cook," I grin when she slaps me lightly on the arm.

She breaths out a tired laugh, plopping down on a chair. I quickly pop a blueberry in my mouth, receiving a death glare from Cook.

"Yes, your mother was quite serious on how and what we make for tonight's dinner."

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