Chapter 29

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It's the night of the ball I'm a complete wreck. What is everything goes wrong? What if I can't remember how to dance?

What if no one asks me to dance?!

Walking towards the kitchen, my thoughts are completely scattered. I can hear excited voices everywhere. Girls giggling inside closed doors, mothers sharing stories about their first ball.

Men shyly talking about the girl they're taking. And then there's me. No friends, no mother. Eric didn't even ask me, not that I really expected him to.

After all, I dont even know what we are. It's just all so frustrating!! Reaching the stairs to go down into the kitchens, Cook unexpectedly runs up.

"There you are! Why aren't you dressed?" She grabs my hand and drags me away from the stairs.

"I wanted to check on the food..." I look behind me, then back at Cook.

Somethings going on.

"Come on then! Can't be late for your own ball. Let me just grab my dress quickly."

We run-walk towards Cook's room. I stand in the doorway of her room watching as she rushes around, gathering everything she needs.

"What is your name Cook?" I suddenly ask.

She stops abruptly, slowly turning around. Her eyes are sharp and I immediately regret my words.

"Why do you want to know?" Her words are sharp as well.

"I - I don't know what it is." Wringing my hands and looking at the ground, I avoid her gaze.

She goes back to gathering everything, completely avoiding my question. We don't say anything else as we walk towards my room.

Once I've put on my dress, Cook starts braiding my hair. She puts it into a beautiful updo, pulling it a bit tight though.

"May I do your hair, please?" I ask quietly.

Her features soften a little bit as she looks at me.

"Very well." She sits in front of the mirror as I start brushing her hair.

Using Cook's natural curls, I twist and turn her hair into a half up, half down hairdo. She puts some make up on me then on herself.

Grabbing my hand and leading me in front of the mirror. I stare at us in wonder, admiring every part of us.

When I turn to look at Cook, she has tears in her eyes. I turn myself completely, not sure what's going on.

"Are you alright?" I ask softly.

She quickly wipes at her tears, giving me a shaky smile.

"Yes yes, of course. I'm just so glad you're alright. I thought they might've gotten to you. You are like my daughter and I love you very much."

She hugs me tight. I struggle to keep the tears at bay, not wanting to smudge my make up. I haven't heard those words in a long time.

Not even from my own mother. She was always too busy and I didn't make an effort.

" Come on then, we don't want to be late." She takes my hand and we hurry down stairs.

Already I can hear music coming from the ballroom. Voices and laughter floats down the hallways, lifting my mood immensely.

As we near the large doors, 2 gaurds nod at us before opening the door. A wonderful smell wafts in from the room. Chocolate?

Cook let's go off my hand and moves to the side. All eyes turn to me as I enter. My nerves suddenly shoots through the roof and I struggle to control my facial features.

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