Chapter 21

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"We... go... won't... in... time." A muffled voice penetrates through the darkness.

Where am I? Why is it so dark? I strain my ears to hear that voice again, but all I can hear is a ringing sound.

The sound pierces my brain but the pain I'm feeling isn't from the sound, it's from something else.

My chest is screaming in pain and it feels like I can't breath.

A sudden motion shocks me out of the darkness for a second and I see a shape leaning over me.

It looks familiar, but it's very unclear. Keeping my eyes open is draining all of my energy, but I fight myself to stay awake.

"Macon! Can you hear us?! Just hang on, we're almost to the mountains. Just a few more hours, ok?!"

The sound drains away and I'm falling back into the blackness.

The pain gets worse but I can't scream. There's no sound. No feeling. Nothing.


A breeze caress my cheek. Wind blowing through my hair.

Everything is quiet, still. There's no sound coming from anywhere. I use my other senses to figure out where I am.

The smell of dirt and fresh dew combined with the soft feel of sunlight on my face gives me a sense that I'm laying on the ground but the coldness suggests it's much higher up than Azara's castle.

My eyes flutter open and suddenly I hear footsteps. I try to sit up, but something is preventing me.

I look around frantically when Dimitri comes into my line of sight.

"Welcome back to the land if the living. Was wondering when you'd awaken." He leans against one of the trees, watching me from a distance.

"Where am I?" My voice comes oyt hoarse and scratchy.

"The mountains."

"And why can't I move?" I struggle a bit for emphasis.

"We didn't know how you'd react."

He moves closer to me, dangling a key in front of me, unlocking the chains around my hands and ankles.

"And what does that mean exactly?" I rub the red circles around my wrists.

A scorching heat travels through my body, concentrating on the red circles.

I groan and collapse to the ground but then... it vanishes.

"That, my dear friend, is what I mean. We have absolutely no idea how strong you are or how your powers will react."

I slowly climb to my feet as DT eyes me warily.


He clasps me around the neck, steering me down one of the paths around us.

"All in due time my friend. Come, let me introduce you."

We walk down the path in silence for a few minutes.

The sun shines through the branches in pieces, making it look ethereal.

I can hear the birds sing from the trees and creatures scurrying around on the ground.

A beautiful glass house appears between the break in the trees.

It almost looks like a castle, but the inside is covered with layers and layers of all sorts of plants.

The air is warmer inside, alive with magic.

I stare in awe at my surroundings, when my eye catches movement. I spin around, instincts kicking in.

I fall into a crouch, senses straining to find any indication of where the person is.

"Impressive. You were right about this one Dimitri." A tall, slender man steps out of the shadows.

He has blonde hair, long, reaching to his midsection.

Blue eyes that look unnatural and an air of grace fullness that is not human.

He's wearing a black cloak, throwing his face into shadow.

"Ah, always one for dramatic entrances. You can relax Macon, he's an ally." Dimitri pats me on the back and I relax slightly.

"I am Elijah, one of the first brothers."

He gives me a big grin and I clasp his hand.

DT pats me on the back again, then leads me to the back of the house.

4 Men stand in a straight line facing us. All of them wear the same cloak as Elijah, covering their faces.

"Macon this is Asher, Talvi, Seth and... Victoria."

One by one they remove their hoods. Asher is the biggest, probably reaching up to 6 something feet.

He has a nasty scar running across his face. His expression is blank but gives of a menacing presence.

Talvi is smaller, the same height as I am.

He still has a baby face and is grinning from ear to ear.

He hops on the balls of his feat, clutching his hands together like an excited child.

Seth is the smallest of the guys. His face is passive but he doesn't look menacing.

He stares at me with a blank expression, not moving a muscle.

Victoria, now she's beautiful. Long, curly auburn hair with white streeks in it, frame her heart shaped face.

She has deep, haunting mismatched eyes. The own a chocolate brown, the other a blue - green.

She has a petite nose and high cheek bones. Her red lipstick accentuates the fullness of her lips.

Her mouth is slightly parted revealing straight, pearly white teeth.

The cloak covers most of her body but by the looks of her thin, long fingers and muscled legs, it must be magnificent.

I'm shaken from my hypnotic state when she smiles.

I look around to see everyone staring at me. Asher is glaring at me and by the sheer force of that look, he makes me take a step back.

Elijah claps his hands together, startling me. I smother a yelp, not wanting to embarrass myself further.

"Alright, let's begin." Elijah grins at me and I feel like something bad is about to happen.

"Begin what?"

"The begin of your new life, " Victoria says, her soft voice carrying loads of power.

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