I - Where's LA?

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A/N; hey guys! This is my first book in like 2 years or so, sorry if it's a bit, rugged😂 I promise to get better at it!❤️ and also I'm gonna make up some names as I go along with this story, just to make it easier on me and on you guys to remember who is who! Thanks for understanding! Enjoy!

   It was 1:00 PM, you overslept, as per us usual. You woke up from message from your administer saying he needed to call you. You immediately shot up, sitting up in bed, wondering what he needed. It could be anything you thought.

From; Adm. Alexander -
Hey y/n, I need you to call me! I have really great news to tell you!

You smiled and rubbed your eyes as you yawned, you stretched for a second and then clicked on Alexander's contact.

"Hey y/n! Good thing you called! I've got great news!" Alexander spoke with excitement.

"Ohhh yeah? What's that?" You asked, you definitely felt his smile plastered on his face.

"Wellll, we have a band that needs a manager, and good thing, you will actually stay with them for a while" Alexander informed you.

"Oh my god?! Really?" You asked and smiled real big, you had only been with (3 bands) but authorities always matched you with them and then take you out bc they didn't feel like you fit well with the group.

"Absolutely!" Alexander beemed.

"So, what's this bands name?" You asked.

"Hollywood Undead, ever heard of em?" Alexander questioned.

"No actually" you said and rubbed your neck as you felt as though you slept on it a little weird "but they sound super cool!"

"Oh they are! I've met with them a couple times, I think you'll get along just great with them" Alexander said.

"Oh great! So wait, what are their names?" You questioned.

"Oh Y/n I'd love to inform you more, but I gotta get back to this paperwork to get you with the band exactly" Alexander chuckled "I'll talk you sometime later one okay?" He said and hung up.

You giggled and looked yourself in the mirror.

"Wow, a while? Does that mean a while while, or just.. 6 months" you sighed, you've never been manager for a band for more than 6 months, because of authorities.

You shook your head and set your phone on the table, you got up and grabbed clothes for the day.

You went into the bathroom and took a shower, brushed your teeth, hair and did your makeup.

You smiled in the mirror and put on your favorite necklace.

"Heyy Ms L/n" you jumped at the sudden person.

"Oh my, you scared me" you chuckled as it was your best friend bsf/n.

"Oh, I'm sorry" she giggled "I didn't mean to.. or I did?" She giggled and shook her head, joking with you.

"Haha, very funny" you giggled, you were more bubbly more than normal.

"Sooo, what's up with you, ms-"

"Shhh, don't call me names" you giggled "I'm gonna manage a band.. and be with them for a while" you spoke with a huge smile.

"What really?!" She exclaimed.

"Yep!" You said smiling.

"What band?" She asked with an eyebrow raised as her smile was still plastered on your face.

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