XXVII - Obsessed With The Thought Of You

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~ Y/N ~

You had a good plan. A plan that Jorel only could know about it. You snuck out to see if You could talk to him in person.

You found him in the same room, I guess he was with Danny at the time, good thing he didn't answer the door.

That would have been bad, you would have had to make up something. You needed this plan of yours to work.

You kinda figured out that Aron sent you a message from 'Danny', you also found out the other things Aron did and you were pissed, you wanted to get back at Aron. And you made a whole plan to get him back for everything he has done.

You guys even had sex a couple times after the fact you had it that one day.

You trusted him, you almost hurt yourself once again. Falling for bad people, once again. But you managed one time to go though his phone while he was in the shower, he didn't know you had done this. You found out everything that had happened. From Danny to his ex girlfriend he was still banging. You even found out that he was banging her before he got to your house that first night you were supposed to hang out. That's exactly why he was late.

You just found out.. everything about this guy. With just his phone.

You knew the truth about Danny. How he loved you, and you knew he still loved you.

But you had to go though with this plan to take Aron down. And this was the only way you could do this. You hoped Danny would forgive you later. You knew you were doing this for good reasons.

You knew you could have ran away from Aron and everything. But you wanted to take Aron down, even if it took time, and hurt Danny a little bit.

Jorel liked this plan that you had. He reassured you that Danny would still love you, he would be pissed off and shit, at the fact you didn't let him in on your plan or just even telling him. But Jorel knew Danny would love you and always. That's what he told you, you eventually gave in and decided to go though with your plan.

You knew you had to do this exactly right for it to work out.

You had to plan this a certain way. You got it.

You had to have Aron still believe that you were on his side, and then you could go full force with your plan.

"Y/n?" Aron asked and you looked over at him. You finally got out of your deep thoughts.

"Yeah?" You asked and sighed lightly.

"You seemed in deep thought, I didn't know if you were ok or not," Aron said and chuckled lightly.

"Oh no, I'm perfectly fine," you said and Aron nodded.

"If you say so," Aron said and put his shoes on.

"So, what's the plan for the day?" You asked Aron. You wanted to know.

"Well, flight leaves in 6 hours," Aron said and you nodded.

"So we need to head to the airport, you know?" Aron chuckled and you nodded. You grabbed your things and smiled at Danny's hoodie. You could not wait to be in his arms again.

You put it in your bag so Aron wouldn't notice you had it.

"Ready?" Aron asked you and you turned and smiled at him.

"Yeah, lets go," you said and he nodded, he opened the door and you guys left. You went to the airport and waited for your flight.

You guys went though security and shit to get though into the plane.

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