XX - Love's A Drug, I'm An Addict

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~ Y/N ~

No fucking way...

He didn't remember?

Why did he not remember.

Thoughts ran though out your head. You loved this man and didn't know what to do, at all, you wish he just remembered.

Danny promised you that he would remember.

The sex last night didn't feel like just sex though, it was love. Maybe Danny did love you.

But if he did, he would have remembered everything?


"Y-you don't remember?" You asked, stuttering.

"Uhm... no," Danny said and rubbed the back of his neck. He looked at you then looked away, he knew you were hurt.

"What?" Your heart shattered. You were definitely certain that he said that he would remember.

Your heart was beating so much, you felt the pounding in your head.

You wanted this nightmare to end.

"I don't remember.. I'm sorry y/n," Danny said and looked at you in the eyes. You were almost ready to cry. He knew it too. You both knew it.

"Wait..." Danny said and gasped.

"Fuck I do remember!" Danny almost yelled and looked at you.

You raised your eyebrow as a tear almost came down your face.

How did he just remember like that? You knew he wouldn't scare you like that, that isn't Danny.

"What happened then?" You asked and he sighed.

"Well, I remember, remember this," Danny said.

"Remember, you weren't sure if I'd remember, I almost didn't, but now that I actually think about it. I do remember. But you kissed me and stopped because you wanted me to remember it. That and we confessed our love to one another.... and then MADE love," Danny said and looked at you with a smile, then with a chuckle. 

"Oh thank god you remembered, I was about to have a fucking heart attack," you say and looked at Danny.

You didn't know how he remembered, but he did and you decided not to question it. Because what was the point of that?

"I'm sorry," Danny said and stuck out his bottom lip.

"I didn't mean to, it came back, I just had to think of it because just when I woke up I was like what the fuck, but I remember now," Danny said and smiled. He grabbed your arm and you smiled.

"Thank-motherfucking-god," you say and let out a sigh, you held his hand and smiled at him.

"I'm sorry," Danny said and kissed your cheek, you blushed and giggled.

"It's okay, you just gave me a heart attack, I'll be okay," you smile and he laid back down.

You rolled close to him and nuzzled your head into the crook of his neck.

"I-I love you," Danny blushed and you smiled, he felt it on his neck.

"I love you too Daniel Rose," you smile and then look at him.

You kissed him and he kissed back passionately.

You pulled away.

"So.. are we.. a thing?" You giggled and blushed, your cheeks turned into a bright red.

"Well, if you want to be, of course," Danny smiled and kissed your blushed cheeks.

"I do, I really love you Danny.. will you be my boyfriend?" You asked and he nodded.

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