XVII - We Live & Die The Story, It's Our Story

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~ Y/N ~

You had seen you had gotten a message from Aron. But You was so upset with him, plus you were in Danny's arms still, You did not want to move a muscle.

It was so nice being in someones arms, not just someone, it was Daniel's arms.

You had so many thoughts running though your mind.

You also never had a hug like this before, it was different from everyone else's hug, they were all short, short lived and Danny was also one of the best huggers in the whole world. You wanted to hug him for the longest time.

You pulled away and looked at him. You guys had about a 10 minute hug, in silence.

"Thank you, that was needed," you blushed and he smiled.

"For me too," Danny said.

"Oh, do you need me to take you home? I can, I don't want you going by yourself," Danny smiled and looked at you.

"If you insist, then fine," you figggled and smiled at him.

"Okay, then let's go," Danny smiled, he went to his car, you got up and followed him, you got into the passenger seat and buckled up with your seatbelt.

"Thank you again Danny," you blush and he smiled, pulling out of the driveway.

"It's really not a problem, I care about you a lot, you can always come to me if you need anything, anything at all, I mean that," Danny said and glanced over at you and then back to the road.

You blushed.

"Thank you, I don't know what else to say to that, but thank you, you mean a lot to me as well," you giggled lightly, rubbing the back of your neck.

"It's okay," he smiled and pulled into your driveway.

"Here you are," Danny smiled and you looked at him as you unbuckled your seatbelt.

"Thank you, I'll see you tomorrow?" You asked and he nodded.

"We'll be driving to Nebraska, I don't know, the boys wanted to for some reason," Danny chuckled and I did as well.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then," you smile and get out, you shut the door and wave to him, you walked inside your house and sighed lightly.

"What was that dream though?" You still questioned yourself. It was so In-depth. It was weird compared to your other dreams, you sighed and shook your head.

"Doesn't matter, lets just shower and go to bed," you tell yourself, you did just that. You took a nice hot shower for about 30 minutes. You got out, put on some short pjs and slipped into your bed. You ignored the text message from Aron, you were tired to respond to him. You didn't want to be stupid with it.

You put your phone on the charger and yawned, setting an alarm for 5am. Even thought it was already 1 am. A couple hours of sleep was still something compared to none.

Danny has texted you to be ready at 6. That's why you set your alarm for 5, just so you could get up. You were not a morning person!


Your alarm went off, it was (f/s) of Hollywood Undead. You groaned and sat up on your bed, you smacked your phone off the table as it continued to play. You sigh and rubbed your eyes.

You rolled out of bed and grabbed your phone. You turned off your alarm and yawned.

"I need coffee," you say and waddle into the bathroom. You got yourself ready, brushed your hair, teeth and washed your face.

This is Your Life {Hollywood Undead X Reader X Deuce}Where stories live. Discover now