IV - Tonight, We're So Alive

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A/N; none of the guys in this book are married except for Dylan! I'm doing this for book reasons lol and it would be weird if they did! So thanks for understanding!

You realized though the whole day hanging with Hollywood Undead was really cool, each and every one of them, had their own story, their own personality, they were guys you would hang around in highschool, although, you notice, Funny Man aka Dylan, was very quiet, he had been on his phone a lot through out the day.

"I'm sorry y/n, by the way, I'm just really worried about what happened back at my home" Dylan spoke as we were all having coffee at 8pm.

"Oh, it's okay, no worries" you smiled at him and he smiled back "everything okay?" You asked and he nodded.

"A lot has just recently happened, my wife got into an accident" Dylan started "but she is okay, I'm just worried, ya know?" He smiled lightly.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that, it's okay, really don't worry" you smiled and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Speaking of, how is she?" Danny asked Dylan.

"She's doing alright, remember she had a broken wrist, but other than that she's okay, she's just recovering from it" Dylan said and looked at you then back at the boys.

"I hope she gets better" you smiled at him and payed attention back at the boys, Jorel and Jordon were over on the other side of the booth that sat 6, arguing over straws.

"No, seriously, did you break my straw you bitch?" Jordon glared at Jorel, who was just laughing.

"No, I didn't, if you want mine-"

"Bitch, shut up" Jordon said and Jorel shook his head and laughed.

"Also, Dylan is the only one married out of all of us" George said out of nowhere, with a laugh.

I nodded "solid, good, I'm happy for you" you  looked back at Dylan and smiled and he smiled back making eye contact with you.

"So hey," you started "what album do you guys suggest me listening to first?" You turned to all the guys.

"You've never heard one of our songs?" Jordan and George said at the same time.

"Well... no, not to be exact" you blushed from embarrassment, maybe you should have listened to something

"No worries" Danny said with a smile "really, any album, just choose one and I'm sure you'll like it" he said softly, you liked the softness of his voice, all the other boys were deep, Danny's was too, however, the softest.

"You'll definitely like us, were great" Jordon laughed, teasing.

You giggled at the cockiness of Jordon Terrell, and then the softness at Danny Murillo, the boys we're similar, but different as well, and that's one thing you loved about them.

"I'm sure I will too Jordon" you playfully rolled your eyes and teased.

"No but for real, (y/f/song) Thats a good one to listen to" Jorel said with a smile "Although, the boys are right, we make hits every song, so just listen to one" he finished his sentence with a smirk.

"Okay okay, I will" you giggled and smiled at them.

"Great, and then tell us which one you love" Jordon chuckled, shaking his head as he looked at Jorel.

"Whaaaat? Are you still mad about your straw?" Jorel laughed and Jordon shook his head.

"No, I just hate you" Jordon laughed.

"So y/n" Danny started with a slight smile.

"Yeah? What's up?" You asked him.

"Do you have a ride to get home after this?" Danny asked you, you seen the light tint of pink of blush on his cheeks.

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