XXI - I Think I've Lost My Mind

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~ Y/N ~

It was time for the concert. You were excited for it. Even though you're literally the manager for the band and seen their shows quite a bit. You still loved to watch them. They could never ever get old.

"Ready to meet with the boys?" Danny smiled and you nodded.

You guys were backstage. You went into the room that all the boys go to, it had a fridge of beer and a couch.

Good enough for Hollywood Undead.

And you for now.

That's what they thought. You never argued with it. It's what they wanted.

You just went along with it. It was funny to you a little bit.

"Hey," you smile at the boys

"Heyyy," Jorel said and chuckled, looking at you and Danny, you guys were holding hands, you looked down at your guys' hands then back up at the guys.

"I'm so glad you guys are now an actual things, it's finally a thing guys!! And it's so cute!" George chuckled and smiled at both of you guys. You both blushed and looked at each other.

"What?" Danny chuckled

"Nothing, it's just so cute," Dylan said and smiled at both of you guys.

You felt complete, you had the love of your life with you, your job and just happiness.

"Thank you," You blushed and Danny smiled. You let go of his hand and grabbed a water.

"I'm going to my spot, I'll see you guys out there," you smiled, you walked passed Danny and smacked his ass.

"Kill it out there with all that ass," you giggled and walked out of the room.

~ Danny ~

"Ouuu ass smacking now? Huh?" Jordon laughed and shook his head.

"Okay listen, I didn't know she was going to do that," I rubbed the back of my neck, although I did like it.

"Haha, sure," Dylan chuckled.

"Are y'all ready to rock this bitch?!" Jordon chuckled as we walked backstage, I looked out at the crowd from behind the curtain. Crowd was filled full of people.

"Yeah! Absolutely!!!" Jorel laughed and walked over to Jordon

I seen y/n on the other side up above me, not to high up, she waved, there was a box kind of thing and she always went in those, she had a perfect view of the stage.

I waved back as Ususal Suspects started to play.

"I think I've lost my mind,
I think I've lost my mind,
I think I've lost my mind,
I think I've lost my mind."

We all walked out with our masks.

In the middle of the song, during my chorus, I looked up at y/n and pointed to her, singing to her, I seen her smile all the way from the stage.

"I think I've lost my mind,
But I'm feeling so alive,
What a pity, it's so pretty,
Looking through the bars and I see my city.
I think I've lost my mind,
Yeah, I'm feeling so alive,
What a pity, it's so pretty,
Looking through the bars and I see my city."

I sang to her and then turned back to the crowd, then to Jorel, he smirked at me and shook his head.


~ Y/N ~

After the concert, you all met up again.

"Hey beautiful," Danny said and smiled at you, you smiled back.

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