VI - This is How We Roll Out Here

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A/N; so every time I have ~~ will be like flash back or something? Idk how to explain😂 just what happened before❤️ I hope you enjoy this next chapter! Lemme know if you guys like this book!❤️ thank you!!

~ Y/N ~

You guys had just landed, after being on the plane for about 10 hours. You had a great flight over all, at some point you fell asleep on Danny.

~~ On the flight

You guys were 2 hours into the flight, around 11 pm, you started feeling your eyes get heavy, you soon later fell asleep, as time passed by on the flight, on the 6th hour of the flight, around 5 o'clock am. You woke up, you noticed you were on Danny's chest, your head snuggled in the crook of his neck.

You yawned and woke up and looked at him, you noticed he was awake, you didn't know how, how did he stay up this whole time, and then you realized, you were asleep for a while.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep on you," you apologized to him.

"Oh no, don't worry about it," he smiled "I'm sorry for waking you" he said, his smile turned into a frown.

"You didn't," you blushed and yawned again.


It was around 8 o'clock am when you guys landed, an hour earlier than expected.

"How was your first flight?" George asked you, as you guys started getting up to leave the plane.

"It was alright," you smile and look at Danny, who was getting his bag from the top space, we each had our own backpack the plane let us bring with us on the plane, although they had to check the bags before we went into the plane.

"Danny, can you grab mine for me?" You blushed lightly as you were a little too short to reach it.

"Of course," Jorel immediately said, he was right next to it anyhow, he grabbed it and handed it to me.

"Thanks Jorel," I lightly smiled at him, I guess he heard his name and not Danny, who knows.

Danny, looked back at you and then to Jorel, he gave the 'dude wtf' face to him and shook his head, Danny was the first to head out

George, Dylan and Jordon grabbed their things too and we all started walking out.

"Woah," you say looking around the airport.

"Different from back at home," you add and Jorel chuckled.

"Yeah, definitely, but it's definitely cooler"
Jorel said and smiled at you.

You smiled back, that smile made your heart flutter a bit.

"Definitely," Danny muttered, he was in front of me and Jorel as we were walking.

You sighed lightly, and then looked over your shoulder, Jordon, Dylan and George were just laughing in the back, at some joke Dylan said.

"So, how are rooms working?" You asked.

"Well, we normally just take a suite, get 4 beds and a couch," Jorel said "but we can get you another room," He added and smiled.

"I don't want you guys to waste money, I can definitely get a room for myself," you smiled and looked ahead.

"No, we got you," Danny said and turned around smiling at you, he was walking backwards "and there is no if, ands, buts about it," he chuckled and turned back around, we walked to our bags.

"If you guys say so," You blush and grab your suitcase.

"Yeah, we got your room, it's not so problem," Jordon said and smiled at you, he made eye contact and you looked into his blue eyes and smiled back.

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