IX - I Am Your Worst Nightmare

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A/N; I literally just chose a random name for Danny's long time best friend, I'm sorry lol, I didn't want you guys to make up one just because it might be confusing in a way!❤️ also I'm sorry this is a short chapter! Ps, the title of the song is one of Deuce's songs😂❤️

You and Danny went to the local Starbucks, it was 9am.

You laughed at Danny's joke and took a sip of your (f/coffee)

"Oh my god! Daniel Murillo!" You heard and looked over.

"Oh hey, Daisy," Danny said, he smiled over at the girl, she walked up.

"Oh, y/n this is my long time friend, Daisy," Danny informed you.

"Hi Daisy, I'm y/n," you smiled as you held out your hand. It took her a second, you seen the look on her face, she rolled her eyes and shook your hand.

"Hey," she said and turned back to Danny.

You took a sip of your coffee as you got bad vibes from this girl, but it was Danny's best friend, so you didn't say anything.

"How have you been Danny bear?!" She asked and smiled widely.

"I've been great, touring and stuff," he smiled.

They had a small conversation and then it died down.

"I'll see you around okay?" Daisy said with a smile, "bye," she says and skips off.

You raised your eyebrow and giggled "okay then," you say.

"She's a lot to handle sometimes too, but she's cool," Danny chuckles and then looked at you. You smiled at him as you guys made eye contact.

"So, what's the plan for today?" You asked.

"Not sure actually, I know tomorrow night is our first concert here," Danny said and took a sip of his coffee.

You giggle and nod.

"I'm excited," you say and Danny smiled at you.

"Also, I don't know how the hell you can drink that," you laugh.

"What, it's just iced coffee," Danny chuckled.

"Gross," you shook your head, teasing him. Although iced coffee was not your favorite.

"Your gross," Danny shot back and he laughed at his own joke.

"You're stupid," you retort back and laugh with him.


You made it back to the hotel, Danny and you. He went back to his room and you went to yours. You decided to take a self care day.

To: Danny -
Thank you for paying for coffee

You text him and smile, you grabbed your purse again and walked out of your room as your phone buzzed.

From: Danny -
Not a problem, what are you gonna do for the day?

To: Danny -
I think I'm gonna have a self day, I'll meet up with you guys later!

From: Danny -
Okay, be sure to be careful!

To: Danny -
I will, I promise!

From; Danny -
You better be!! Hehe

You smiled and put your phone in your back pocket, you went to the elevator, went the main floor.

You walked out of the building and ran into a person. You were not paying attention to where you were going, you were also a big klutz

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," you say quickly

"Watch where your going- oh. You're that one girl from that one night?" The guy said and you raised your eyebrow.

"Aron, if you remember," Aron said and you shook your head.

"No, I don't remember, sorry," you blush, he was quite handsome, you looked at some of his tattoos.

"Well, I didn't mean to leave you that night.." Aron chuckled.

"I don't remember so it's okay," you rubbed your neck and he shook his head.

"So, you from here?" Aron asked. You shook your head.

"No, I'm from the US, Los Angeles," you say.

"No shit, why do I not know you then? That's where I'm from as well," Aron said and studied your figure.

"Oh," you said, surprised, you never seen him around either.

"Surely you know who I am?" Aron chuckled, his ego was high, you noticed.

"Well," you lightly laughed.

"No, I never seen you," you say.

"You never seen me?! Are you kidding? I'm fantastic!" Aron shook his head in disbelief.

"Like,8m I am the man!" Aron laughed

"Well, I'm sorry," you blushed lightly from embarrassment.

"It's cool." Aron said and shrugged

"Just make sure you listen to some of my stuff," Aron shook his head and then laughed

You nodded.

"Um.. I will," you say and giggle lightly at him

He nodded and shook his head.

"Okay, well I gotta go, we should hang out sometime when we're both back home," Aron said and smiled.

You nodded. You think you may have actually seen him before, just not in LA.

"Yeah, sounds good," you say and smile back, he got into the car and drove off. You walked downtown and looked around.

You were amazed at the whole place. It was really pretty, all the trees and nature.

You went into the hair shop.


You got back from downtown. You dyed your hair once again, (f/c)  You also got your nails done and makeup done.

You walked into the lobby, you noticed Danny texted you.

From: Danny - 30 min ago
Hey! We're all meeting in our room, come stop by! See ya then!

You smiled and nodded, you went to the elevator and headed up to your guys' floor

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