XXXIV - Born In This World As It All Falls Apart

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~ Y/N ~

You seen the cops pull away, everyone left, they had asked you if you wanted help and you said no, you had to get a couple more emails sent in just to make sure your plan was going to go well, you already had 2 emails out. You wanted at least 3 more to make a total of 5.

You went inside to grab your belongings, you also decided to wrap your hands up and take care of that first.

"Well, Aron did it so I didn't have you," you said with a shrug. You sighed and realized how suicidal that was. You shrugged and then looked at your wrapped arms. You walked out of the bathroom and then went upstairs to grab your stuff. You looked around the room and it came back to you, in a flashback. Of what just happened. You sighed and looked away from the bed, you picked up your over night bag and walked out of his room upstairs. You went downstairs and then you grabbed your laptop that was on the couch. You unplugged its charger and then looked at the glass.

"He seen it though that, I'm so stupid," you said and facepalmed.

"I should have looked at that before I sat down I guess," you told yourself and shook your head. You put your computer and the charger into your over night bag and you zipped it up. You didn't want to go to your house, you didn't want to be alone. However you knew you wanted to send more emails. Your plan was to go visit Jorel, see if you could bail him out, then go home and then go to Danny's. You could explain everything to the boys. Although you didn't want to do it without Jorel. You needed to know the amount you needed to bail him out, you would spend whatever to get him out, that way he could only deal with court and not actually be in jail.

It was around 6pm, you walked over to Aron's car, you had grabbed his keys and you just decided to use it. You went to see Jorel.

"Can I see Jorel Decker?" You asked the lady and she nodded.

"Also, can how much is it to bail him out?"

"You'll have to talk to someone else about that," she said and you nodded.

You talked to people on getting Jorel out, you ended up bailing him out for rather cheep than most. Even though it wasn't cheep at all whatsoever.

"I can't believe you bailed me out... you used your own money?" Jorel asked you, you guys were walking to Aron's car.

"Yeah, well I didn't want to explain to the boys without you, you were a major part of the plan, so of course I need you," you smiled and unlocked the car, Jorel smiles at you and then hugged you, you smiled and hugged him back.

"Thank you so much," Jorel said and pulled away, you nodded and got in the car, he did too, you looked at him and sighed.

"I need to make at least 3 more emails, it'll just be good for the rest of my plan," you said and Jorel nodded.

"You can just come back to the house? Danny's house is where we're at," Jorel said and you nodded.

"Yeah but I'm sure you're drunk and so is the rest of them, I want to explain everything when everyone is sober, and can actually understand," you said and Jorel nodded.

"I gotcha, okay well, we can do it tomorrow, go get some rest," Jorel smiled and you nodded.

You dropped him off at Danny's house and then you went to your house, you parked Aron's car across the street. You walked to your house and sighed, you set your stuff on the couch and looked around, remembering last night, the much fun you had, and not like today. Last night and tonight were polar opposites.

You smiled lightly and then went to your kit kitchen, you grabbed your favorite drink out of the fridge and sipped, you then took a deep breath and blew it out though your mouth, you grabbed your favorite snack and went back into the living room. You grabbed your laptop and set up a little spot on the couch, you put your drink in the cup holder and your drink next to it.

"Okay, now, even worse reviews, I can actually say he wanted to kill me," you shrugged and sighed. You opened your laptop and went to a new email on a couple different producers and even other people you knew. Even Alexander, you wanted to know how messed up this situation was.

You sipped your drink and took a little bit of your snack and ate it. You looked at the keyboard and started typing out your paragraph almost essay on Aron Erlichman.

"Aron Erlichman is a guy who you definitely do not want, he abused me and even tried to kill me because he somehow found out I was writing reports that he didn't like, Jorel Decker, a member of Hollywood Undead, helped me, he ran into the house and distracted Aron to get him off me, Jorel saved my life...."

You added more onto it and you eventually got finished with your essay thing. You looked at it and smiled.

"Yes." You said and then shared it to those people.

You got up and set your computer where you were sitting, you went to your room and then grabbed the earrings your best friend gave you, you smiled at yourself in the mirror. You knew you had to explain everything well tomorrow, you knew Jorel would help you though it. You just hopped Danny wasn't mad at you at all.

~ Aron ~

I couldn't believe this was happening. She got away with it. She won. She did exactly what she did. She beat me at my own damn game.

"Aron, dude, move," a guy said and I rolled my eyes and scooted over, we were in the cell and I had a partner of course, just the two of us.

I sighed and looked at my feet.

I still couldn't believe y/n beat me at my own damn game. She knew she was doing this right, that's why she stayed with me and everything. I didn't really know she could ruin me like that.

I thought I got her right, I thought I was playing my game, but I was only playing her game.

She got me good.

I wish I would have killed her though, that would have been great, stupid Jorel had to ruin everything

Speaking of Jorel, 

I didn't know where Jorel went to, a cop came and got him out of the cell, he was on the other side of the room, he hadn't came back. And it's been about 2 hours since that happened.

Y/n probably bailed him out, that's stupid but smart bitch.

~ Charlie/Jordon ~

I kinda didn't know how to feel about Jorel going into jail, he told us and didn't tell us why.

"Oh well, at least he's back," George said and I shrugged.

"I guess your right," I said, Jorel went into the kitchen and I sighed, yes I was drunk but I wanted to know the details on what happened. And who bailed him out, he was back.

I went to the kitchen and looked at Jorel.

"What's happened tonight?" I asked and Jorel shook his head.

"Nothing, you'll know tomorrow with the rest of the crew okay? Right now you can't know," Jorel said and shrugged, I raised an eyebrow and sighed.

"Okay fine, but you're alright? You have a black eye," I said and Jorel nodded.

"I'm just fine, Aron didn't- I mean the fall didn't hurt," Jorel said and rubbed his neck


"Aron?" I asked and crossed my arms. I didn't know why he said Aron.

He would only if he went to see Aron or something. But for what?

"I meant fall, I don't know why Aron came out," Jorel chuckled, I knew he was lying, he was a bad liar.

"You're a terrible liar, what happened? Did you go see Aron? What he hell man?" I said and Jorel looked at me, he sighed.

"It's fine, you'll get the explanation tomorrow," Jorel said and walked past me. I sighed, I knew I was going to know tomorrow, so I didn't want to push anything.

I walked back into the living room as Jorel sat down on his spot on the couch, I went over to my spot and then I got my beer. I just decided to chug the thing.

"Okay jordon," Dylan laughed at me. I chugged the beer all down, I wanted another one so I got up and grabbed me another beer, I decided to take it slow on this one.

I just wanted to know what happened with Aron and Jorel.

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