VIII - Go On, Hold Me Close

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Danny punched the dude right back, tackling him even. Danny had blood all over his nose.

They tackled eachother, each of them throwing a punch and shoving one another.

Just then you see Jordon followed by Jorel, Dylan and George. They all ganged up on this scrawny boy. Each one of them throwing punches at the kid

The bar manager broke up the fight and kicked all of us out, we were all shitfaced and high as fuck.

"You'll pay for this!" George yelled at the man as he walked away. You got a good look at the man, he was quite, good looking actually.

"Nah! You Fa****s won't catch me! You suck! Dick suckers!" You heard the guy say. You remember him earlier from when he came up to you, called you hot and then randomly disappeared on you in a split second.

Was that was all he could come up with?

Pretty sad.

You snapped out of your thoughts and looked at Danny.

"Oh my, are you okay?" You asked him and put your hand on his back as he was sitting on bench, you sat next to him.

"I'm fine," was all Danny said, you nodded and rubbed his back as he held the tissue on his nose.

"Do you know who that was? What happened?" You asked.

"Nobody." Danny replied. "I was just walking," he said.

"Literally nobody, just some stupid ass bitch who wants to be us and-"

"Jordon, chill, it's fine." Danny said and sighed.

"Ow," Danny rolled his eyes, you could see his eyes were still red from the weed, but you knew he was fighting back tears.

"You okay man?" Jorel asked.

"I'm fine." Danny says.

"Good, that fucking idiot needs to stay away from us, how did he even know where we were?!" Dylan said kicking a rock.

"I don't know," Jorel said and shrugged. "Maybe he was here for tour.. or he followed us," he added

"I don't know.. Let's just go back to the hotel, I'm tired as fuck," Danny said, getting up.

We all agreed and got into the car, the chauffeur drove us back to the hotel.

The car ride was pretty silent, no one ever spoke a word in the whole ride. Not one word.


"Can someone sleep with me? I-I don't think I can sleep by myself tonight," you say as you walked to your room.

"Yes, of course, I'll stay," Danny smiled, he walked over to you and you both went into the room.

You yawned and looked at Danny.

"I'm gonna take a shower, I feel gross," you giggle slightly and he nods.

"You can take one after me.. if you want?" You ask him.

"Yeah, I will, thank you y/n" Danny said, sitting on the chair, still holding the tissue onto his nose.

Around 20 minutes later, you got done showering and changed into your comfy pjs, which were just a pair of basketball shorts and a Band-Tee.

"Your turn," you smile at Danny as he was outside on the patio.

"Okay, thank you," he said and gave you a smile, he walked into the bathroom and shut the door. You sat on your bed and decided to read. You grabbed your favorite book once again and started to read.

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