XXX - I'm On Another Level

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-The Next Day

You grabbed your computer. It was time for your plan, today was the first day you could actually do this,

"Okay......., now," you say and rub the back of your neck.

Your best friend just went home so you could start in on your plan.

You clicked on your first producer and started your email.

You knew all along that you could write bad reports or good reports. The bands never knew that though, they always thought they were good.

That's exactly what Aron thought.

"Deuce, aka Aron Erlichman, he is very sexist, homophobic and racist. He has some good beats but his lyrics are out of the box! I suggest not producing anything from this guy, he is very egomaniac and doesn't know boundaries. He fucks girls at anytime and manipulates them....." (etc)

Yeah you knew some of it was not true, but you didn't care, you were going to ruin this mans career wether he liked it or not. Jorel also told you to put some stuff in there as well.

You knew it was going to take at least 2-3 weeks before they would even read your emails.

That just meant 2-3ish weeks until you get to be back with Danny.

You also had to figure out a way that you and Danny could be together but you were still their manager.

You had yet to figure that part out. You decided to eventually call Alexander about it and talk about it with him.

"Hm," you smiled at your email and then hit the send button. You shook your head and sighed lightly. Regret washed over you but you also felt okay with this, you were just upset you were getting back at Aron like this, or like anyone.

But you knew you had to do it and so you did it.

You smiled and then closed your computer, soon Big Deuce was going to crash and burn.

"Hey hey hey!" Aron said walking into your room.

"How'd you get in?" You giggled lightly and looked over at Aron.

"Just walked in," he shrugged and you nodded.

You didn't like the fact he could just walk in, you also didn't like the fact he knew exactly where you lived. You thought it could be bad in the future for him to know where you were.

"Oh okay," you said and he nodded, he sat next to you on the bed and he smiled.

"So, hows the emails?" Aron asked and then you looked at the computer.

"Great," you smiled, knowing exactly that it was great. Maybe not for him, but for you and Hollywood Undead it was.

"That's good," Aron chuckled and then yawned.

"They probably won't view anything until like 2-3 weeks though, I know it's a process, I'm sorry about that," you said, you were nothing sorry for. You were happy about this.

"Can't you make it go faster?" Aron asked and you shook your head.

"I wish I could," you said, that wasn't a lie, you definitely wished it did go by a lot faster.

"Damn," Aron said and then shrugged.

"Yeah, but they will view it sometime soon, hopefully they see the good review," you smiled and he nodded.

It was definitely a good review. For you, and not for him.

"Well, what do we do in the mean time?" Aron asked and you shrugged.

This is Your Life {Hollywood Undead X Reader X Deuce}Where stories live. Discover now