V - Everywhere I Go, Bitches Always Know

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You woke up around 10am, you groaned and got out of bed, you got ready and looked at yourself in the mirror, you forgot to pack your stuff!

"Oh shit!" You giggled lightly "I forgot to pack!" You grabbed your suitcase and backpack, you grabbed your favorite clothes, you had never been out of (y/state) and you didn't know the weather in Germany, so you packed a whole sort of things.

In your book bag you grabbed the essentials that weren't clothes, things like, your makeup, hairbrush, tooth brush, phone charger, anything else that was meaningful to you and that you wanted to take it.

You thought about last night and then the texts that Danny sent you, he was so sweet!

Last Nights Texts;

From; Danny -
Tonight, walking you home, was fun for me, I've never had a connection like that, thank you for letting me walk you home!!

To; Danny -
Wow, thank you so much! Thank you for walking me home, tbh it's kinda scary at night when you're alone in LA lol

From: Danny -
Yeah, I know it can be, sometimes I'm scared a bit lol, however, I'm a grown man and I can handle myself, so it's not that bad, but I get worried about people I care for

To; Danny -
Aw, well thank you! That means a lot! I mean, I am a grown woman to Daniel lol! I'm kidding but I'm not😂 but yeah, I'm scared to walk by myself, so thank you again

From; Danny -
It's really no problem, and I know your a grown woman! Or are you?

To; Danny -
Oh my god, are you really talking about my height right now! I can't help I'm small! 😂

From; Danny -
Aha, I'm only joking with you, anyway, I'll talk to yo you tomorrow, I need to get packing, see ya!

You smiled, thinking about his singing, those texts and continued to pack.

You packed all your belongings that you wanted to bring with you, you looked at your phone, it was 3pm, you sighed and sat on your bed, you decided to listen to a couple of their songs, you searched on YouTube Hollywood Undead, you clicked the song 'Mother Murder'

After you listened to the whole thing you frowned "damn, that was such a sad song.. but so good, Danny's voice, the other boys verses, the beat, the everything of that song" you lightly smiled

You shook your head and decided to listen to another called 'War Child'

You were kinda surprised at the lyrics, but at the same time you weren't, you giggled to yourself

"Okay, but when Danny says he's too sexy, he's not wronggg," you giggled and listened to more songs.

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