XXXI - Will You Promise That You'll Stay In My Shadow

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G - Gender
(For the kid 😂)


~ Y/N ~

It was a week later. You had a week or two weeks until the email was going to be reviewed. You were having a whole bunch of different emotions with it. Sometimes at the same time and then others, they were just all over the place.

"So, you want kids?" Aron chuckled.

You guys were currently at the local park in LA. You seen a whole bunch of kids running around the place, you guys were talking about your futures and what you wanted in the future.

"Well, yeah," you shrugged and smiled at the kids.

"Why?" Aron asked and you shrugged.

"I always wanted a baby (g)" you smiled and then looked at Aron.

"Interesting I guess," Aron shrugged and then sighed.

"Yeah, I just, haven't found my person I want to make a life with," you lied, you knew you already found him. He was just not here right now, you knew he was hurting because of you.

"Guess not," Aron said and then laughed.

"Can you believe you were with Danny? Ew," Aron laughed hysterically.

"Uh.. I don't know," you shrugged and then looked at him, he calmed down and shook his head.

"How does it feel to know you were with that?" Aron retorted and shook his head, you looked at him.

You wanted to be with Danny, you were still deeply in love with him, but you couldn't tell Aron that. He had to believe you about this, he could not find out just yet that you were still in love with Danny.

"Well, I don't know," you shrugged and then he looked at you.

"You feel gross? Don't you? At least a little bit?" Aron questioned, it was like a real question.

"I guess yeah," you lied and he chuckled and shook his head.

"I couldn't imagine," Aron said and shook his head.

You could, you always imagined about it, especially recently with all this plan you had, you wanted to be with Danny so bad, you wanted to be in his arms.

You knew you had to wait about a week to two weeks.

"So, you want to go back to my house? I have to grab something and then we have my concert tonight in town," Aron said and stood up, you nodded and stood up. Aron started walking away and you followed him.

"I have to grab my water bottle and phone charger," Aron said.

"Okay," you said and you guys walked back to his house. It was a shorter walk, it was about a block or two.

You waited outside on the front porch for Aron to get outside.

"Okay, I'm ready, let's go," Aron said and you nodded.

"Okay," you said, Aron walked to his car and you followed. You got into the passengers seat as he got into the drivers seat.

"Okay, so you want to hear the set list for the night?" Aron asked you and you turned to him and nodded.

"Yeahh sounds good," you smiled and he nodded.

He pulled out of the driveway and started to drive.

"Okay soooo...

Do You Think About Me?
Nobody Likes Me...., because Ronnie is going to show up tonight, he told me about it and he said he would do the song with me.
Help Me
The One..."

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