XIX - We Own The Night

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You laughed and shook your head at Danny.

Let's get this party started.

"Yes you guys go first because you guys made stakes high," Dylan laughed and went to get him a drink.

"Okay, lets do this Daniel," you laughed and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to win," Danny laughed

"Sureeeee," you say and shake your head.

You and Danny laughed at eachother.

"You break," you say and he rolled his eyes.

"Fine," he laughed.

You got solids... and he got stripes. Just the way you both wanted it. You laugh and get in your mode. You looked at the balls on the table and nodded.

You got one in.

"Ooo, yes y/n!" Dylan laughed and drank his vodka.

You hit the cue ball with the stick, it hit one of Danny's stripes but didn't get in. You let out a light sigh.

"Some one is stressed?" Danny laughed hovering over your shoulder. You could feel his breath on your back. This sent tingles down your spine

"No," you laugh lightly, and then lightly push him back.

You hit the ball again and made another one in. You had 3 down. 4 left. Plus the 8 ball.

Danny laughed and moved over to the others side and watched you.

You hit the cue ball and missed, you got one of Danny's in the pocket.

"Shit!" You groaned and rolled your eyes.

"Why thank you for helping me," Danny laughed and you rolled your eyes. You were not gonna lose.

"Whatever, just giving you a start," you say and he shook his head, getting consecrated.

He hit 3 balls in as well, although, he was still ahead of you from you hitting one of his balls in.

It was your turn once again.

You smirked and got in your zone once again. You just HAD to beat Daniel.

All friendly games though. Right?

You hit the ball and got one of yours in. You breathed out as you noticed you weren't breathing. You held your breath.

"She's so concentrated," Dylan chuckled

"She is, she really really is," George chuckled and looked at Daniel.

"I think you're out 30 bucks man," Jordon chuckled and patted Danny's back.

"Shhh, you never know. I got this," Daniel chuckled and watched you. You got another one of yours in. You had to get 2 plus the 8 ball in

You got those 2 in. You hit the 8 ball and the cue ball went in instead.

"NO," you yelled and Danny laughed

"Haha, it's overrrrr," Danny said and got concentrated

Then it was all over. He had won.

"WHAT NO! If I didn't-"

"You lose cupcake," Danny laughed and jumped. You couldn't believe it! If you just didn't mess it up. You could have won!

"Good game," you say and rolled your eyes. You giggled at the sight of Danny being so happy. Honestly you'd let him win now, it was cute as fuck to see Danny so happy.

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