XXIX - 'Cause I, I Think Of You Now & Then

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~Y/N ~

It was about 3 weeks later, You am now manager for Deuce. Aka Aron Erlichman. You now could send emails to producers. Just today.

Now it's the time to shine.

You guys were back in LA, you had not been to your house in a long time, at least 2 months or more.

"I think I'm going to go back to my house tonight," you said and looked at Aron, you finally could go home.

"Oh, okay, well, don't go anywhere else," Aron said and you shrugged.

"Bsf/n is coming over, that's it, because I haven't seen her in a while and I want to see her," you said and smiled, you were honestly so excited to see her.

"Okay," was all Aron said, you shrugged and then walked out of his house. You smiled and seen your best friends car pull up.

You climbed into her car.

"Bsf/n!!! I'm so happy to see you," you smiled and hugged her, she hugged you back and you giggled.

"I missed you y/n," she said and started to drive, you nodded and sighed happily.

"I missed you too, I have so much to tell you," you smiled and then looked out of the window.

"Oh really? Tellll me the tea!!" Bsf/n said and you smiled.

"Wait till we get home, I'll explain everything," you giggled.

You guys arrived at your house, you guys decided to listen to music, get a whole bunch of snacks, spa and spilling the tea night. You were excited, you had not had one of these in a little while.

"I'll put on Hollywood Undead because I'm taking down Deuce," you laugh and your best friend looked at you and raised her eyebrow and then laughed at you.

You put your Hollywood Undead playlist on, the first song that played was Broken Record

You loved the song, you loved every song by them, for some reason you just fell in love with every song they made.

"So, how is that?" She giggled and then looked at you, you smirked and hummed to the song.

"So, the plan is..." you explained your plan

"Oh wow, that is so fucking brilliant," she giggled and you nodded.

"Hell fucking yes!" You giggled and smirked. So far, your plan was going perfect.

You smiled at your best friend as she was painting your toenails

The next song was Bang Bang

You started to sing along, your favorite part of the song was Danny's part.

"He really has a godly voice you know?" Your best friend said and you nodded.

"Danny? Oh absolutely, he's got a voice of a god," you smiled

"You know your life can end inside a moment
It slips by the more you try to hold it
It's alright 'cause everybody knows it
Your life's like a trigger when you pull it,
like a bullet"

This is Your Life {Hollywood Undead X Reader X Deuce}Where stories live. Discover now