XXXII - I'm Breathing Slowly, Oh Won't You Hold Me

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(Y/F/S) - your favorite show


~ Y/N ~

The concert was finally over, Aron sang his heart out, with Ronnie and without Ronnie. He got off stage and went over to you.

Aron was a good singer, you did admit, however, you still were in love with Danny and then just hated Aron all around.

"Wasn't that just amazing," he laughed and you nodded.

"Yeah, that was great!" You lied and then looked at him. He smiled and then walked away from you, you rolled your eyes and sighed. You looked at your phone, it just hit midnight.

You were happy Danny didn't come around, you wanted to see him, just not yet.

You got up from your chair and you went to the one room that Aron was in earlier. You figured he was in there.

"Aron?" You asked in the room, there was no one, you shrugged and sighed. You looked around at the room and then to the door that just opened.

Stood right in front of you was a drunk Danny Murillo and a sober Jorel Decker.

"Danny no! Oh.." Jorel said and rubbed his neck when he saw you.

Danny looked at you and then started to tear up.

"Y/n! I miss you so much, I'm so sorry if I hurt you! I need you in my life, please come back to me! You are the love of my life!!" Danny said and walked over to you, he was down on one knee. You looked over at Jorel and he mouthed. 'He won't remember this, he's so shitfaced'

With that being said, you looked down at Danny and sighed, you bent down and then looked at him. You took his face and faced him to you, you kissed him and he kissed you back. You pulled away and sighed.

"A week okay? A week, then we can be together," you smiled and kissed his cheek.

"A week?" Danny questioned you and you nodded.

"I'll give you a big explanation in a week, okay? But right now you need to go, I need to finish something, I promise Danny Murillo, I will come back to you," you said and Danny looked at you and then at the floor. You kissed him on the cheek and he blushed.

Danny nodded and got up from the ground, you sighed and looked at Jorel, he smiled at you widely, he was so happy with you guys.

You looked up at him and Danny looked down at you, you hugged Danny and he hugged you back, you put your head in the crook of his neck and you guys stayed there like that for about 30 seconds. You decided it was time to stop. Even though you didn't want to at all whatsoever.

But you knew it would be trouble if Aron come in here and caught everything that was happening.

"Now go to Jorel okay? You will be okay, I promise you, I love you okay?" You said to Danny, you looked him in the eyes. Danny nodded and backed away from you, you smiled at him and Jorel pushed him lightly out fo the door so he could leave.

"Thank you Y/n," Jorel said and you smiled, you nodded.

"No, thank you Jorel, I also needed that," you smiled and Jorel smiled back, he left and closed the door, you heard them for a couple of minutes and then they were gone. You sighed and sat on the couch, you started to tear up. You knew you were strong, you wiped your tears as the door came open once again.

"Oh hey, I was wondering where you were," Aron said and you nodded.

"I've been in here the whole time," you giggled and Aron nodded.

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