XVIII - I'm Like, I'm Like, Like A War Child

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~ Y/N ~

We were 7 hours into the drive. We all ended up already drinking, playing card games, because why not.

"Go fish bitch!" I yelled at Jordon.

Why yes, you ask. We were playing go fish. It's a fun game when you're drunk.

"Oh fuck, fine, whatever," Jordon rolled his eyes and got another card out of the pile.

Dylan laughed as he was smoking a blunt, like normal.

Funny Man and his weed. Ya know?

"Okay but like, this is fun," Danny laughed an you smiled at him.

"I like riding in a bus with all my buds... and... uh, best buddy over there," Danny slurred lightly looking at you with a smile plastered on his face

You giggled at him and nodded.

You wished you were his girlfriend however.

"Your turn Danny," you giggled and he nodded.

"Oh right! Y/n got any 3s?" Danny asked, he was laying on Dylan's lap.

"No, go fish," you giggled and he groaned.

"How do you not?" Danny huffed and got a new card. You shrugged and smiled at him. He stuck his tongue out at you.

When Daniel was drunk, he was more like a 3 year old!

"Stop that! Meanie," you giggle and he shakes his head.

"Okay, lets play something else, I'm bored," George laughed.

"Agreed," You say and nod.

"I wanna play pool," you frowned because you guys didn't have a pool table.

"well, the hotel has a pool, pool table, and darts.. and a hot tub!" Jordon said.

"We should so play against eachother in pool!" You laughed

"Fuck yeah!" Jordon said.

"Yess! Let's do that!" Danny laughed

The rest of the boys agreed.


You guys had just gotten to the hotel in Nebraska. All 6 of you guys fell asleep on the bus.

You had your own room again. It was the same thing back in Germany. Even the floors?!

Jordon, Jorel and Danny were upstairs two doors down from you and Dylan & George were two floors down from you guys. Although they were on the first floor and you guys were on the third floor.

You put your suitcase on the bed and smiled. The hotel room was nice.

You decided to change into a different outfit.

You changed into your (f/c) jeans & hoodie.

You smiled at yourself in the mirror and nodded.

You guys made plans earlier, just to go to the downstairs of the hotel, it had a small bar, pool table and darts.

You heard a knock on your door. You answered it.

"Oh hey Danny," you smile and he smiled back.

"Hey y/n, you ready?" Danny asked and you nodded.

"Yeah, I am," you smile and he nodded, you seen Jorel and Jordon were talking, waiting for you.

You grabbed your keycard and smiled at Danny.

"Ready," you smiled and he nodded.

"Let's go thennn!" Danny chuckled and started walking, you walked after him and soon the other two boys followed you.

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