XXXV - It's Our Story, All For The Glory

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— The Next Day

~ Y/N ~

You woke up, it was around 2pm. Today was the day you were going to explain everything to the boys. You sighed and went to the bathroom, you took a shower and got ready, you didn't want to look bad for them.

You turned on the water to the shower and stepped in, you didn't know what to think of, you were just hoping that the boys were going to be okay.

You stayed in the shower for about an hour.

You got out of the shower and then went to go get clothes, you decided to wear Danny's hoodie again so you can bring it back to him. You had yet to wash it though, you felt bad.

You thought you should have washed it but you didn't have anytime, you got home last night and did your emails and then crashed in the bed.

You sighed and shrugged.

"Sorry Daniel," you said and shrugged, you didn't really know what else to do in the fact that you couldn't wash it, you also didn't want to spray anything on it, you didn't know how he felt about that. You decided to just stay how it was.

You put a shirt and his hoodie on, you put pants and your favorite shoes on, you sighed and looked at yourself in the mirror, you smiled and started on your make up. You went for your favorite simple look, you didn't want to be too flashy and everything just to go see them.

You smiled at the earrings that were in your ear that your best friend got you, you brushed your hair and put it up however you felt like.

"Okay, ready," you smiled and told yourself, you sighed and went out to the car, you started to drive to Danny's house you figured they were all still at his house.

You looked at your phone to see the time, it was now 5pm.

You had just gotten to Danny's house, You saw all the cars from the boys here, You knew they were all here still, that was good.

You prepared yourself for them to hate you, you knew it was a good chance they would, but you wanted to still explain yourself to them.

You sighed and you knocked on the door, you heard the boys laughing and talking about where they were going next.

"Hey y/n," Jorel said and you smiled, he let you in and you looked at the boys as you walked into the room they were in. They all had shocked faces.

"Y/n?!" Danny said and ran up to you, he hugged you and you hugged him back.

"I'm so sorry for everything I did! I love you I want to be with you," Danny said and you smiled and put your head into the crook os his neck.

"I love you too.... I have some explaining to do," you said and pulled away from Danny.

"I have some explaining for all of you," you said and sighed, you looked at Jorel and he nodded.

"Me too, me and y/n both have explaining," Jorel said and sighed, you sat in the dining room chair and sighed as you looked at your feet, you looked back up to the boys and sighed.

"I don't even know where to start... if you want I can just start at the beginning?" You asked and Jordon nodded.

"Yes please, how did you lose us?" George chuckled and you shrugged

"Honestly I didn't mean to lose you guys... I could not find you guys at the bar at all, so I just decided to back to the hotel and Aron was there, he got me stuck in a elevator somehow and tried to blackmail me, so I did what was told, I then started forming a plan, I wanted to ruin Aron's life, I knew that Jorel wanted to as well and I just knew Jorel was the best person for my plan, no offense to any of you," you giggled and then looked at the floor again.

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