XIV - This Love, This Hate, It's Burning Me Away

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~ Y/N ~

It was the next day, you woke up and noticed Aron had not moved, he was clinging on to you still.

You rubbed your eyes gently and grabbed your phone.

3 missed calls
12 text messages

You sighed and opened your phone to see who called you. It was the boys, of course. They seemed like they needed to contact you.

1 missed call from Danny
2 missed calls from Jordon

You shook your head and opened your messages

From: Danny -
Hey, are you okay?

From: J -
Look, we need to talk.. please

From: Jordon -
Can you answer your calls please?

From: Jordon -
It's super important

From: George -
Are you okay? We need to talk about stuff for the band

From: Jordon -
Heeeellooooo answer your cellll!!

From: Dylan -
You ok kid?

From: Danny -
I'm sorry if I'm bothering you...

From: Danny -
Get some sleep, goodnight, sleep well beautiful.

From: Dylan -
Sleep well kid, hope you're being careful!

From: J -
Make good decisions!

From: George -
Better be safe kid!!

You sighed, they know. They definitely knew, you weren't the best at lying.

"You okay?" You heard from behind you, you couldn't even get a chance to respond to the boys.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine" you say and put your phone back on the table. You turned around and smiled at Aron. He was pretty hot, you had to admit. He smiled back at you.

"Good, someone worrying about you?" Aron asked.

"Nah, just checking my Instagram," you lied, he nodded.

"Okay, well I'm gonna go make breakfast," Aron said.

"Okay, uhm Aron, I'm sorry, I gotta go, my best friend needs me," you lied once again. You really just wanted to talk to the boys about this.

"Oh, it's okay," Aron said with a frown on his face.

"I'm sorry," you said and got up. You felt really bad.

"Why can't you stay?" Aron asked.

"Because, my best friend texted me and she needs me, girl stuff.. you know?" You had to make an excuse some how.

"Please stay," Aron said with puppy eyes. You felt really bad.

"Aron, I have to go, I'm sorry," you say and he sighs.

"It's fine, just be safe," Aron said and then his frown turned into a smile.

You nodded and smiled back.

"Thank you, I'll text you later okay?" You said and walked out of his house, you called your best friend to pick you up.

"Hey Y/n!" Your best friend said as you got into her car.

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