XXXIII - The Cops Show Up, They're Gonna Get The Finger

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~ Y/N ~

You got your phone and decided to text Jorel, if you didn't get help, you knew you were going to be in big trouble. Maybe even physical trouble.

You heard banging on the door, from Aron, you just decided it was best to call Jorel. You went over to the window and clicked on his name, the phone rang and rang

"Come on, come on, Jorel, pick up please," you whispered, you started to panic a little bit as he didn't pick up. You sighed and looked at the door, you decided to call Jorel again. You knew you were in trouble and it was big trouble, Aron could literally you at this moment and you knew that.

"Hello? Sorry I didn't pick up, I was around the boys.. woah are you okay?" Jorel asked you, you were breathing heavily and you took in a deep breath.

"No, I'll explain later, however, Aron is trying to kill me and I need help, I locked myself upstairs in the room so he couldn't get to me," you said and you started to breath heavy again. You jumped at Aron smacking the door.

"Open this door! Who are you talking to y/n?! You better open this door, you have no idea what is coming for you!" Aron yelled I'm so much anger.

"Jorel please help," you said and a tear fell out fo your eye. You started crying, you were scared.

Jorel sighed and got worried, "Okay okay, Uhm, that's bad, so I'm going to try to sneak out of the house, I'll tell them an excuse and I will come help you, just try to block the door-"

You screamed as the door was ripped off from the hinges, and there stood an angry Aron Erlichman.

~ Jorel ~

I was scared shitless as Y/n screamed over the phone. She hung up and I had no way of getting contact with her. I had to get to her fast.

"I'm going to grab some beer I have at home okay?" I told the boys, they were all high anyway. They wouldn't care if I went by myself.

"Okay, I guess," George laughed and blew out smoke, I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"Grab me someeee!" Danny said and I nodded, I'd have to make an actual trip on the way back from Aron's

Just so they wouldn't think anything is wrong, even though it is.

We had to keep this secret, I didn't really know if Aron knew or not. That's what it seemed like. She may have been writing an email and he seen something and that's when shit hit the fan.

I looked at the boys, I got a little dizzy but I shook it off.

I had to go save y/n.

Yes I may have been a little drunk and high, but I could still drive. Hopefully.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, I grabbed my keys and walked to my car, I knew Aron didn't live too far from Danny's house, which was surprising.

I turned up the music as I got a quite but angrier, I wanted to kill Aron myself, this all wouldn't have happened if he just left us alone. But we all knew he had some sort of an obsession with us, he always did, even in the band, now out of the band, he's even worse with it.

I hit the gas pedal maybe too hard. I ended up going 103. Kinda funny, matches our song Live Fast Die Young.

"Ain't this life so sweet? Cruising a hundred and three
I'm in the fast lane, I'm moving rapid
It's do or die, you need to catch back up, man
I'll never slow down just like a ghost town
James Dean, curtain call, silver screen, showdown"

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