II - This is My Town

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You smiled as you walked into your work, you went looking for your administrator, Alexander, to get more information on the band.

You finally found him near a printer and smiled.

"Hey Alexander" you said and he jumped lightly which made you giggle a little bit.

"Oh hey y/n I didn't know you were gonna come in today" he said and looked at you "and you gave me a fright" he chuckled.

"Oh sorry" you smiled "I just came in because I wanted more information on the band" you smiled.

"Ahh, of course you do, I have 40 minutes until the band gets here," he started and looked at you "but I know them a little bit, a little things here and there... what do you wanna know?" Alexander started.

"Oh?" You questioned "can I meet-"

"No, not yet," he paused "your not supposed to meet them until tomorrow" he started "and I don't wanna piss of... authorities" he shrugged and shook his head.

You nodded, understanding every word he said.

"Well," you paused, not thinking you'd get this far about the information.

"How about their names?" You suggested, good start you thought.

"Ahh, stage or real names?" Alexander smiled and got a paper from the printer.

"Uhh" You shrugged "I guess both."

"Okay, well, I'll just tell you the 5 that are left" Alexander smiled lightly.

"Okay" you smiled, waiting for information, you were really excited about this.

"So," Alexander started "1, Jordon Terrell, aka Charlie Scene. 2, Daniel Murillo, aka Danny. 3, George Ragan, aka, Johnny 3 Tears. 4, Jorel Decker, aka, J-Dog," he took a pause and smiled "and lastly, Dylan Alvarez, aka Funny Man" he spoke and grabbed another paper.

"Wow that's a lot" you rubbed your neck and giggled lightly.

"Yeah, but once you get to know them, you'll catch on" Alexander turned and smiled at you.

"I'm sure I will," you smiled, that is a lot, but you were sure you were gonna get the hang of it, depending, just because you forget a lot sometimes.

"I have no doubt you will, you'll get it" Alexander teased.

"Okay okay," you giggled "listen, I know I forget a lot, but, I'm sure when I get introduced to them, it won't be a problem" you shook your head.

"Anything else you wanna know?" Alexander asked.

"What kind of music genre is it?" You asked with a smile.

"Rap-Rock" Alexander informed you.

"Oh, that's different" you let out a small laugh.

"Yeah, but listen to it, it's actually really good, and your type of guys, you know the singers of the band? I'm sure you'll fall in love immediately with Danny" he chuckled and looked back at the printer, getting his last piece of paper.

"Oh really?" You raised your eyebrow with a smile.

"Yep" Alexander chuckled and looked back at you "okay, now you gotta go, I gotta finish this before the boys get here" he chuckled and started shoving you out.

"Okay okay, I'm going" you shook your head, wanting to know more about the band.

You walked out after saying goodbyes to Alexander and you looked at the street, you shrugged and sighed as you started walking back to your house, you didn't necessarily like walking home from work, it was in LA and there were always gangs and shootings.

You sighed and put your hood up as a car drove by.

"Get in the fucking car bitch" you heard a familiar voice, you turned to look to see who it was, it was your best friend. 

"What are you-"

"So, did you actually think I'd let you walk home? I stayed in the back parking lot" she shook her head as you got in the car.

"Oh, thank you" you smiled and she smiled back.

"It's dangerous out here" she sighed.

"Sad.. but very true" you shook your head and looked out of the window.

"So, about this band? Any cute ones? Meet anyone?" bsf/n teased.

"Omg" you puffed and giggled "no, I didn't get to meet them, Alexander said that I'd get to meet them tomorrow" you informed her.

"Ahhh," she smiled "will you save me a boy??" bsf/n teased.

"Yeah yeah" you shook your head.

"No, seriously, is there any cute ones?" she whined lightly. 

"I don't know" you shrugged "haven't seen them yet, in tomorrow, you'll find out" you shook your head as you knew your bsf always was a boy consumer, literally.

"Okay but listen, you can just look them up? Also look up their music" bsf/n said with a giggle. 

"I actually don't think you'll like them, Alexander said they were a Rap-Rock band, which is the shit I like, but not you" you informed her with a slight smirk. 

"Okay, yeah ew" she shook her head and sighed.

"But listen" you started "maybe you'll like them, just give it a chance" you suggested.

"We'll see" she shook her head and drove still.

"Well, listen, I'm not gonna listen to any of the stuff or get information of them, well.. more of it until I meet them" you sighed.

"Cause I don't know them, and I don't need to sound like a whole fan girl" you said.

"You're right" she giggled, pulling into your drive way.

"Yeah, I'm always right" you giggle and look at her.

"Oh yeah yeah" she shook her head and smiled, you just laughed at her reaction.

"Okay, well I'll see you.. tomorrow?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure, wanna go for coffee or something?" You asked her and she smiled nodding.

"Yeah, we can go before you meet the band?" She giggled.

"Great" I smiled "we can go around 9, I have to be at work around 10:30ish" you informed her, that's the time you usually go in, so you just figured that's when he wanted you at work.

"Sounds great, I'll pick you up, see ya bitch" she giggled as you got out of the car, you both sent the ily sign to eachother and you walked back into your house.

You sighed and flopped down on the couch, sinking into it, you began thinking about the band again, you didn't even know what they look like, or sounded like, but you knew you were excited for it, your new job, you were gonna be a manager of one of your favorite genre groups, you were kinda emo, you hated to admit it, but you were.

You got up from the couch and smiled, you looked at your phone and you focused on the numbers that said 6:00pm, you were a little hungry, you decided to eat a little something and then go to bed really early, you didn't want to be late for the meeting of the band.

You never been this excited to meet a band in your entire life, even though you didn't know them, whatsoever.

Maybe it was something about the name? Their names? Or the genre of the music?

You didn't really know. You got into your bed at 8:00pm, and you set an alarm for 6 am, just to get ready in the morning for them.

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