XIII - We Got One More Bottle Of Jack

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~ Y/N ~

Aron just got done telling me what happened with him and Hollywood Undead, I couldn't believe what the boys have done with Aron.

"Wow, that's terrible, so Jorel and Dylan actually beat you up?" You asked. You couldn't believe it, you were just so shocked, you had no idea this had went on.

"Yeah, stole my whole life too pretty much, that's why I'm trying to revamp myself, I'm... you know, trying," Aron said with a sigh.

You nodded, understanding him.

You still could not wrap your head around this whole thing. About how HU jumped Aron and took his music, his life.

You did want to listen to HU's side of it, but at a later date, you were so focused on Aron at the moment.

"I'm sorry they did that to you," you sighed and looked at him

~ Aron ~

Jesus this was so easy, she believed every single word I said. Hollywood Undead look out f**s

"It's okay, I have you now to help.. right?" I asked her and sighed, I wiped one of the fake tears I had on my face, it was easy to fake cry.

She looked at the floor then back to me.

"Y-yeah..." she said lightly, she definitely stuttered.

I smiled lightly and looked at her.

"Thank you... it means a lot," I lied, it did mean so much actually, making me famous, how bout thatttt!

"Yeah, it's no problem.." she said and looked at her phone.

"Who was it?" I asked.

"No one," she said and looked back up at me and then smiled.

Her smile was an ok smile, but I've definitely seen better.

I sipped on my beer and nodded.

"You sure you don't want anything?" I asked, I'm sure HU got her to drink, so I can too, definitely.

"Yeah I'm sure, thank you though, I'm taking a break from that for a second," she giggled.

"You absolutely sure? Because I have.. everything," I laughed.

"Yes, I'm sure Aron," she said and her smile became a light one.

"Okay," I said and shook my head

Why can't I get her to drink? That's stupid as fuck.

~ Y/N ~

It was around 12am. You and Aron were cuddled up on his bed watching tv. You looked at your phone once again, Danny texted you a while ago. You looked stared at the text.

From: Danny -
I need to see you... please

You ignored the message, you kept staring at it.

"What are you doing?" Aron asked you and looked at you. You put your phone down, hoping he didn't see it.

You didn't know how you felt about it. You were kind of mad at the boys, but you thought at the same time, you didn't get to hear their side of the story.

"Oh it's nothing," you said and sighed

"You sure?" Aron asked and you turned to him with a smile.

"Yes, I'm fine, just one of my friends texting me, my best friend misses me, that's all," I lied, I kept lying, it was like it was my mask. Lying.

I became what I hated. I hated when people lie to me.

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