XXVIII - It Slips By The More You Try To Hold It

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~ Y/N ~

You put your headphones in when we were on the flight because you didn't want to talk to him at all.

You guys were now in Iowa, Aron has a couple concerts here, you needed to find a printer so you could sign the papers to make it official that you were Aron's manager.

"So, where are you going to go to get a printer?" Aron asked you, you guys were getting set up in your hotel room.

"There is places I can go that have some, I called when I was with Hollywood Undead," you said and Aron nodded.

"Ah okay," Aron said and you smiled at him. He smiled back.

"I'm excited for you to be my manager, ya know?" Aron said and you nodded

Of course he was excited for you to be his manager.

"Yeah, I'm excited to be your manager," you smiled, knowing you were going to ruin this mans whole career.

"Yeah, well, should we go to a bar tonight? Tomorrow is the concert," Aron said and you nodded.

"Yeah sure, I could use a couple of drinks," you giggled and Aron shook his head.

"You're not drinking," Aron said and you turned and looked at him.

"No, you're not drinking," he said again and you sigh.

"Why not?" You asked and Aron laughed.

"Because, you don't need to be," he said and rolled his eyes.

"I'm my own person Aron, I can do what I want," you said and crossed your arms. Aron rolled his eyes and walked over to you.

"Wanna say that again?" Aron said and looked down at you.

"No sir.." you sighed and looked at him, his frown turned into a smirk.

You hated the way he treated you, but you knew you had to go along with this, just a little bit longer.

"Good, now let's go," Aron said and you nodded. Aron put on a sweatshirt and you put on your shoes.

You walked out of the room. You guys walked downtown to the bar, it was around 6 o'clock pm.

You walked into the bar to see a whole lot of people drinking. Your normal bar stuff.

Aron ordered his drinks and you just ordered your favorite soda. You didn't really care what Aron was up to at the moment, you just decided to text Jorel, to see how he is doing and everything like that.

To: Jorel -
How is everything going? I'm still stuck with Aron, tomorrow I'll make the paperwork official

From: Jorel -
Ouuhhhhh okay, I'm excited for this shit, I'm doing well, Danny's not.. like normal, however, keep doing what you're doing, Danny will be fine, he's just hurt right now, but as soon as this gets done, it'll be fine and he'll understand

To: Jorel -
You think so? I still feel bad for hurting Danny. I really love him.

From: Jorel -
Oh, don't worry about it, just worry about your issues with Aron, Danny is okay, I got him, you just worry about what you need to get done

To: Jorel -
Okay thank you Jorel, I'm so happy I came to you with this plan, I knew I could count on you!

From: Jorel -
Don't worry, I got your back kid.

You smiled and looked up from your phone, Aron went around somewhere that you couldn't find him. You shrugged and sipped on your soda.

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