XXIII - Pull Up My Sleeve & See The Pattern Of My Cuts

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A/N: cutting! Make sure you skip a those pages if you feel uncomfortable!!

~ Y/N ~

Aron told you to take a shower. So you did as what he told. You didn't want to get slapped again. Or even worse.

You walked into the bathroom and looked around it. You sighed and turned on the shower.

You liked your shower burning hot, you didn't know why.

You looked around at the bathroom, you missed Danny. You wanted to see him. You wanted to cuddle and kiss him. You missed him so much.

But you knew you had to go along with Aron's plan.

You wanted to release the pain, you looked around at the floor and nodded. You found a piece of glass.

*** Warning!:

You picked it up and looked at it, you made sure it had a sharp edge. You sighed and placed it on your wrist.

You slut your wrist and tears came out of your eyes. But it felt so good.

You sighed and wiped blood off in the shower. You got in and soaked your cut in the hot water. It hurt but it also felt so good.

Your cut stopped bleeding when you washed your body and hair. You thought you should have cut deeper. But you decided not to do it anymrore. You knew Aron would have questions and ask you about them.

*** you're good!❤️

You got out of the shower and wrapped up your cut in a bandaid. You got dried off and dried your hair with a hair dryer. You brushed your teeth and washed your face.

You looked at yourself in the mirror and shrugged. You put on some nike shorts and Danny's hoodie. You felt comfortable in it and then sighed. You took off his hoodie and stuffed it back in your bag.

You knew Aron would know that was Danny's, especially since it was a Hollywood Undead hoodie and it smelled like Danny and a mix of coffee.

You didn't want Aron to touch his hoodie, you didn't even want Aron knowing you had the damn thing.

You grabbed another shirt out of your bag and nodded. You put on the shirt and sighed, you looked at yourself in the mirror.

You zipped up your bag and then picked it up.

You walked out of the bathroom dressed and you looked at a shirtless Aron on the bed thst was watching tv and drinking. You sighed and shook your head.

"Finally, take long enough?" Aron chuckled and rolled his eyes. You sighed and didn't say anything. You had to have taken a hour or 2 hour long shower. You just didn't want to see Aron, and you were thinking of a plan to get out of this mess.

"Sorry," you apologized and Aron rolled his eyes. You put your bag against the wall, you didn't really have a place to set it, so you just set it on your floor.

You walked back to the bed and looked at Aron and then the floor. You sat on the bed, your back away from him.

"Did you cry? I heard something in there," Aron said.

"Uh. No." You lied. You looked at your wrist. There was a fresh cut you had just made, you looked at the bandaid, you covered it with your long sleeve shirt.

"Hm. Okay, well." Aron shrugged, not giving a shit if you cried or not.

"Your phone has been going off ya know? Jordon, Jorel, George, Dylan and-"

"Danny?" You asked and then looked at him. You sighed.

"Give me my phone." You growled a little bit.

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