XI - The World's Filled With Liars, Liars Like Me

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4 weeks later;

You guys were back home in LA now, you visited places you have always wanted to go to.

"So, what place is next?" You smile, asking Danny, you guys are once again having coffee at your local Starbucks, it wax almost a daily thing. You and Danny have gotten really close.

"Nebraska," Danny said "not sure what towns yet," he shrugged. "But I know we're going there, and then Illinois after," he said and smiled at you.

You nodded and smiled back as you sipped on your coffee.

"Danny," you rubbed your neck

"Yeah, what's up?" Danny asked and looked at you.

"I've been talking to this guy.. I got his number.." you said and looked at the table

"Oh? That's cool," Danny said and fake smiled.

"Yeah, I think I really like him...his name is Aron," you said and looked at him, Danny's face changed a little bit.

"Aron what?" Danny asked and scratched his head

"Aron Erlichman, he goes by-"

"Deuce," Danny said and sighed. His expression really changed, very happy to sad.

"Yeah.. you know him?" You asked him, you took notice of sudden emotion change.

"Yeah." Was all he said.

"Oh, how?" You asked.

"He was in Hollywood Undead. Shit happened with him and the rest of the boys.. I replaced him." Danny said and then looked at you

"I was trying to keep you safe from him... that's who I got into a fight with that one night at the bar." Danny said in a low tone. "He's dangerous,"

"N-not to me," you said and rubbed the back of your neck, you finally realized who he was.

"He is." Danny said

You decided to stay quiet, you had both feelings for Aron and Daniel. You didn't know what to do.

Danny sighed, he broke up the silence of what felt like forever, but it was only a few minutes.

Your phone buzzed, you knew it was a text message. You picked up your phone and it was from Aron.

From; Aron -
You want to hang today? My place?

You looked at Danny and sighed lightly.

"Who was it?" Danny asked.

"Just a friend," you replied.

Danny nodded and took a sip of his coffee.

"Are we doing anything today?" You asked and looked up from your phone.

"No, I don't think so," Danny replies. You nodded and smiled at him.

To: Aron -
Yeah, I can! What time?

From: Aron -
I can pick you up at 5? We can get food and then go back to my place? We can jam the fuck out to my music

To: Aron -
Okay lol, sounds great

You noticed you were giggling a bit, you also noticed that Danny was staring at you.

"What's so funny?" Danny asked and laughed as you were giggling.

"Nothing, just one of my friends being stupid," you say and hoped Danny wouldn't ask for more information.

Danny chuckled and nodded, sipping his coffee again. You noticed his emotion changed again. You didn't want to ask though.

~ Danny ~

I definitely was hurt when she said she liked someone else.. And then I found it was ARON ERLICHMAN.

I had to pretend it didn't bother me. Even though it did... and it did, a lot. I just nodded. I knew she was texting Aron. Definitely making plans with him. I was scared as fuck, for her. I know what Aron is capable of.

"Thank you again, but can I pay this time?" Y/n asked and smiled. Her eyes lit up, I loved her eyes, her smile. God, her everything.

"No," I said and chuckled. I shook my head and took the ticket and paid before she could even try.

"But you pay everytime," she said, her eyes were on me like a hawk. I looked down at her and chuckled.

"I'm supposed to, plus, I love to, I like spending my money on people I lov- I mean, care for" I panicked, I almost said it to her. I'm such an idiot.

She laughed and shook her head. I absolutely loved her laugh as well.

"You're so sweet, thank you," she said, her beautiful (e/c) eyes looked into my brown ones.

I smiled and started to lead the way out of Starbucks.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Yes please," she said and I seen a tint of blush on her cheeks.

I thought I had a chance, but Aron has to take her away from me. But she isn't a hoe or anything, Aron wouldn't like her.. unless he knows that she's with us and he's gonna use her.. manager for him and oh my god!!

~ Y/N ~

You hated when he paid for you, but you knew he wanted to so bad. You didn't know why.

You guys started heading to your house.

"So, where you headed tonight?" Danny asked. I had to think of a lie, even though you hated lying. Especially to Danny.

"Uhm." You rubbed your neck "just gonna go to my friends house, (bsf/n)" you lied.

Danny nodded and smiled.

"Sounds fun, I hope you have fun," he said.

"Thank you," you fake smiled, Danny was your best friend.. maybe you liked him. You didn't really know. But you did know it hurt you to lie to him.

You guys made it back to your house and you turned to him.

"I'll make sure to text you, when are we headed to Nebraska?" You asked as you walked up on your porch.

"The day after tomorrow, heading around 4," Danny said and walked backwards.

"Okay," you nodded "I'll see you then! I'll be sure to text you!" You said and walked into your house. Danny left.

A/N; yall, I'm sorry this chapter is short, I literally could not find the motivation to write lol! I'm sorry😭

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