XXV - And I Know I Should Be Moving On

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~ Y/N ~

"Why did you make me send that?" You asked and looked at Aron.

"Well, do you want him trying to manipulate you again?" Aron said and sighed, he walked over to the bed and sat next to you.

"No.." you said and rubbed your neck.

You didn't want to send the text to Danny. Quite frankly, you didn't mean shit in it. You still loved him and you hated that you sent it. But you thought it was better in the long run.

"No what?" Aron asked.

"No sir..." you said and he nodded.

"I thought so, I'm only trying to protect you y/n," Aron said and then got back up.

"I know," you said and looked at him. He smiled and shook his head.

"Listen, I know they don't want you anymore, I do though, I want you to be with me, my manger, you know?" Aron said and you nodded.

"Yeah, maybe," you say.

"You want to go get coffee?" Aron asked and you were surprised.

"Yeah, sure," you nodded and looked at him. He smiled and put some clothes on. You went into the bathroom and changed into different clothes. You sighed as you looked at Danny's hoodie in your bag.

You knew you missed him. But he hurt you with what he said. That he didn't need you of anything like it.

You rolled your eyes at the hoodie, you sighed and zipped up your bag.

You walked out of the bathroom and smiled at Aron.

"Ready?" Aron smiled and you nodded.

"Yeah," you smiled and then looked at Aron.

"Good, lets go," Aron said and took your hand, you smiled and intertwined your fingers. Aron looked at you and then shook his head. He shrugged and then opened the door. You guys left out of your room. You both heard familiar voices.

"I don't know," You heard Danny say. You looked at Aron and he sighed. Aron dragged you back into the room. You sighed and you both waited for Danny & Jdog to pass by.

"I'm sorry," Aron said and you shook your head.

"It's okay." You say and shrug, Aron nodded. You guys waited for about 2 minutes and then headed out of the room again. None of the 5 boys were to be seen.

"Ready?" Aron smiled and you nodded. You guys walked to the elevator, the one you had gotten stuck in. You guys got down to the main floor and walked out of the building. You walked to the local Starbucks.

"So, are you breaking up with Danny then?" Aron asked you. You looked at Aron and sighed, you nodded.

"I guess so," you shrugged.

"We're officially done anyway, remember? You made me text him that message," you said and Aron nodded.

"I know, I'm just looking out for you, ya know?" Aron said and you nodded.

"Yeah, I know," you said and then sighed.

"It's fine, he hurt me anyway, that text he sent me," you said with a shrug.

"Yeah.. the text he sent," Aron said and you nodded.

You guys kept walking, on your way, you looked at the street and then back to the side walk and then back to Aron. You guys walked in silence the rest of the way to Starbucks.

You guys made it. You ordered your favorite coffee and so did Aron. You guys shared the same favorite coffee.

You guys sat at a table for 2 and then you guys started talking once again.

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