VII - I Love The Way I Look With This Bloody Nose

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"Hey Y/n!" You heard as you seen Danny over 2 patios down.

You stopped reading and smiled.

"Hey Danny," you yelled back and waved, he shook his head with a laugh.

"Guys look we can see y/n outside!" You heard Danny say to the boys.

"Oh nice," you hear from Jordon, you seen him walk out.

"He's had a couple beers, Don't mind him," Jordon informed you, you noticed, he also had a beer in his hand.

You nodded "Gotcha," you say and he walked back inside.


You had taken a shower, you got ready, nice clothes to go out in. You always wanted to look presentable.

You smiled and sighed lightly, you heard your buzz go off, your ringtone was (y/f/song) from Hollywood Undead. You picked it up, it was Danny.

"We're about to leave, are you ready?" Danny asked you with a slight slur to his voice, you knew he was drinking since Jordon informed you about it earlier.

"Yeah, I'm ready, I'll meet you at your room," you say and hang up on him.

You put on your shoes and grabbed your small purse and keycard for your room.

You opened the door and walked out, you shut it, a minute later the boys came out of their room as well.

"Okay, we have to go to 407, that's where Dylan and George are," Jordon slurred, you knew he was definitely the drunkest out of the 3.

You nodded "Sounds good,"

"Danny's just a little tipsy, he stopped drinking because we're gonna go to a bar right after supper, so he's gonna get shitfaced then, huh Danny?" Jorel chuckled, teasing him.

"Oh yeah, sure," Danny blushed a bit and looked at you.

"Danny gets super crazy when he's drunk, he's just as bad Ole' Charlie Scene over here," Jorel chuckled.

"I'm n-not that bad," Danny said shaking his head, walking into the elevator.

"Yes you are," Jorel chuckled as we all got into the elevator, Jorel pressed the number 4 on the pad.

"I'm terrible when I'm drunk, even when I'm tipsy," Jordon chuckled.

"We know" Jorel and Danny said together, then laughed.

You shook your head and laughed with the boys.

You got to the 4th floor and got George and Dylan.

"Heyy," George and Dylan said and walked into the elevator.

"What's up you guys?" You smile.

"Hungry, so hungry," Dylan said, you seen his eyes were read, he was definitely high.

"You got the munchies huh?" Jorel laughed.

"Yes! He was complaining the whole time we were getting ready, he smoked when we got here," George complained and shook his head.

"Whaaat," Dylan said "nothing is a better duo than Funny Man and his weed," he laughed.

"I guess your right," I said.

The boys laughed as the elevator made the ding noise, indicating that the door was opening.

The 6 of you walked out and walked out to that exact car you rode in to get here.

"It's so beautiful here," you smiled.


You were sitting at another booth that sat 6, one side was Danny, you and Jorel, in that order, Danny was sitting by the wall, Jorel made him sit on the inside, which wasn't a problem with Danny. On the other side was Dylan by the wall, then it was Jordon and George on the outside. You guys had already ordered your food, you were waiting patiently for it to come out, well, Dylan wasn't. The boys ordered their favorite alcoholic drinks, however, you chose to drink (f/drink)

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