Prologue- Freed from the Abyss

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The full moon was shinning brightly through the large stained glass windows of the musty historic library. The tinted glass corrupted the silvery hue of the luminous rays, turning them to ghostly shades of various colors that beamed down into the large candlelit room below. Shadows danced across the old dusty manuscripts that lined the walls and stretched all the way up to the elegant woodland mural that embellished the cathedral like ceiling. 

In the center of the room there stood seven cloaked figures circled around a small wooden table with a seemingly simple looking black book on it. Together they lowly murmured a eerie otherworldly sounding chant in a synchronous cadence. Their foreboding chorus had cast a dark ominous ambiance throughout the dim antiquated room, appropriately setting the atmosphere for the diabolical conjuring that they were about to preform. 

One of the smaller figures began to slowly approach the table like a graceful specter gliding across the creaky aged wooden floorboards. Their slender pale hands reached up to pull back the large black hood from their head, reveling a beautiful woman in her late thirties. 

Her bright green eyes glittered in the candlelight and long wavy auburn hair cascaded down over her shoulders. Between her breast rested a beautiful sapphire blue shimmering crystal that twinkled as it reflected the light, like a magical lucent gem. Her beauty was breath taking and she looked every bit like the sorceress she was. 

While still chanting lowly along with the others, she opened up the ebony colored leather bound book, and began flipping through the yellowed pages until she came across the one she desired. The page revealed a sinister looking symbol with a circle around it, right next to a baleful sounding incantation, written long ago in a forgotten time. 

Using a piece of black charcoal, she carefully began to draw out the forbidding symbol on the surface of the small antique table, intentionally neglecting to draw the circle around it. The circle was meant to trap and imprison the symbols energies, after all.  

Once she finished the drawing, she held up a sharp glistening silver dagger with a black handle that was bejeweled with dazzling rubies and an inverted pentagram at the hilt. Without hesitation, she used it to slowly slice open her palm, letting her thick crimson blood drip down in small rivulets upon the eldritch looking drawing. 

All of the other hooded figures around her stilled and fell silent as she began to loudly read the ominous sounding conjuration from the book. The eerie language in which she spoke resembled nothing from this world. The menacing sounds of her words cloaked the room in a sense of unsettling dread that could instill fright in anyone whom might be unfortunate enough to hear them. 

Suddenly, a black shadowed mist began to form, swirling across the floor before her. Her eyes widened with fear, yet she spoke louder and with more power in her voice. As the ashen mist rapidly became thicker, a large wicked looking creature slowly emerged from its harrowing sea of darkness. 

At first, all she could see was the towering silhouette of a man with sharp black horns on his head and large onyx dragon like wings protruding from his back. As he slowly rose up to his full monstrous height, strands of silky thick black hair draped over his pale face, flowing down his muscular torso, and reached to his waist. Long black claws dangled from his finger tips, making him look every inch as lethal as he was.   

He imposingly stood there, now revealing his handsome face from behind the curtain of raven locks. He gazed at the woman who was still chanting the unbinding spell with thanks and admiration for her bravery in his fierce golden ember-like eyes. The sorceresses lovely but anxious green eyes gazed back into his with uncertainty but also determination. 

However, unbeknownst to them both, there was another predator lurking in the room that night. He was not a strong ferocious demon, but rather a sly wickedly cunning man with a different agenda of his own. His hood shrouded the look of detestation for the demon that stood before him. Malice tainted his face and twisted his sharp features. He stealthily slunk over towards the beast unseen like a venomous snake slithering in the night, and slowly pulled out an obsidian poisoned dagger from the loose sleeve of his dark cloak. 

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