The Menace

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My weak exhausted body crashed down on my messy unmade bed and I closed my eyes in sweet relief. The long day was over and I could finally relax in the darkness. I laid there for a moment and peacefully listened to the sound of the heavy rain that still pelted down upon the roof above me. As tempted as I was to let sleep over take my senses, my curiosity got the better of me. I flicked on the dim little salt lamp that rested on my nightstand, and reached into my bag to find my aunt's journal. 

I gently ran my pale hand over the smooth dark green binding. My stomach twisted and I felt almost anxious as I opened up to the first page. My eyes wearily grazed over the words as I began to read about the poor service she'd received at the post office seven years ago. I let out a small laugh. Here I was thinking that I'd find some creepy tales regarding her odd obsessions with the occult, yet it seemed like a fairly ordinary journal.       

A sudden loud knock on my door startled me and ripped my thoughts away from the book.

"Gwendolyn! You'd better be getting ready for Amelia's party in there!" Lacey's stern voice boomed through the thin white door at me.

God mother fucking dammit! 

"Umm.. I haven't started yet. I wanted to see what you were wearing first." I lied and tried to make it sound like I hadn't completely forgotten... Even though I had.

"Girl, I know you're lying. You forgot didn't you!?" She barged into the room with a 'you've been busted' look on her face. "Come on, I've got a cute color coordinated outfit idea for us." I groaned as she grabbed my hand and pulled my exhausted body off of the bed.

She rummaged through my closet and pulled out my black skater style dress with straps crisscrossing over the exposed back, cap sleeves, and a flowy skirt. "Put this on and meet me in the bathroom." She ordered and walked out of the room.

I sighed, slipped on the dress, threw my hair in up in a messy bun, and headed down stairs. Lacey was already in the bathroom, wearing a sexy short crimson dress that hugged her voluptuous curves perfectly. It had one long sleeve and left her other shoulder completely bare. She was applying black lipstick to match my dress and handed me crimson lipstick to match hers, completing our coordinated look.

"Make way bitches, I'm coming in." William's face squeezed into the mirror above ours, and the three of us frantically perfected our makeup together.

Normally I wouldn't really care if I looked like a total banshee or not, but my dark circles were so bad that I figured I might as well add some extra concealer out of consideration for others. I certainly wouldn't want to make someone wish to stab their eyes out, so they didn't have to gaze at the hideous sight of me... 

A quick knock on the door suddenly interrupted our beautifying frenzy.

"That's probably Darrell..." Lacey said while applying her smokey eye shadow.

"I'll get it. I'm done anyways." I put the concealer stick down and walked out of the fruity hairspray scented bathroom.   

I opened the door to see Darrell's perfect charming smile. The man had godlike good looks, high cheek bones, square jaw, big dark brown eyes, the works. "Hey Gwendolyn, is everyone ready to go?" He asked with a friendly twinkle in his eyes. 

"I think they might need another minute, but they should be done soon." I smiled at him. I had always been glad that Lacey found someone who was so genuinely kind hearted and gentlemanly. We'd been best friends since elementary school and I was rather protective of her.

"There she is!" Darrell suddenly exclaimed with a grin as Lacey ran over to him. 

He caught her in his strong arms and swung her around, causing her to giggle. They shared a passionate kiss and smiled nose to nose as she ran her hand over his short twisted black curls. His skin tone was a few shades darker than hers, giving them a beautiful ever so slight contrast next to each other. The royal blue shirt he had complemented Lacey's crimson dress wonderfully and it looked like they belonged on a poster advertising the perfect couple.

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