Blood Sacrifice

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The blackened silhouette of the distant mountain range began to slowly devour the darkened dying sun within it's mighty jagged jaws. Crimson rays streamed out from the sinking incandescent disk, as the sharp towering peaks acted as the murderous blades of athames, spilling it's blood throughout the reddening skyline, while they mercilessly sacrificed the fading light to the growing darkness. 

A few small finches took off flying, as I manifested out from the shadows next to the gnarled twisted boughs of a lone barren apple tree. The sanguine horizon mirrored the splattering of droplets that decorated my skin and dripped from my hair, as I ominously gazed over at the quaint pale yellow house before me, with hatred filling my glowing eyes. A joyless smile crossed my lips as I listened to the sound of a beating heart coming from within the home. A sound that I wasn't able to hear while in the shadows, thanks to the enchanted sapphire necklace that the mage was no doubt wearing.

I didn't even have to look to know that Belzar had just manifested beside me. "Have any of them talked yet?" I asked him, referring to the six mages that we were holding hostage and torturing within the shadow realm.

A small remorseful whimper left him as he responded in my mind. "No. I'm beginning to think that they are telling the truth. I don't think they know her location." 

I looked at him and angrily sighed in frustration. Blood drenched his fur and dripped from his snout, as he sorrowfully hung his head low with his pointed ears flattened back. Rage boiled in my blood, and it took every effort not to teleport into the shadows and go slaughter them all. I'd killed many of the mages off already, but, just in case I might need to use some of them as bargaining chips later on, I'd decided to keep our hostages alive... For now

Belzar's suspicions were probably correct though. These weakling 21st century ninnies had very little resolve, and if they actually did know Gwendolyn's whereabouts, I'm sure that at least one of them would have talked by now. Especially while I was slowly burning a single eye out of each of them. They seemed to have really hated that part. Which, to my dismay, meant that we still didn't have any leads on how to find her. However, I knew that she was probably being hidden from me with some accursed enchantment, so interrogating the mages was still currently my best course of action. 

"Well, keep torturing them regardless. I'll see if this one knows anything." I nodded towards the house. The empty trees eerily rustled in the breeze behind it, while a flock of honking geese flew across the scarlet skyline. 

"Azathoth..."  He gazed up at me with concern in his glowing yellow canine eyes. 

"Yes, Belzar?" I quietly responded as the wind blew through my blood soaked hair.

"We will find her." His dampened furry head nuzzled up beneath my hand and gave it a small comforting lick.  

"Thank you." I gave him a wistful smile, and gently stroked his head in return.

Belzar went back to the shadows, while my wet boots began staining the dead frost kissed grass red, as I began to walk up towards the house. Except for the glow in my eyes, I was completely in my human illusion. However, the fact that I was drenched in blood made me a terrifying sight to behold regardless. The empty branches of a lilac bush slightly obscured my view, as sudden movement in the one of the darkened windows caught my eye. She knows I'm here... Good. I stomped up onto the front porch then forcefully kicked down the pristine white door, leaving a big red smear behind, and aggressively barged into a small homey living room. 

"Oh Patsy..." I sinisterly called out to her, making it a point to use her name. "You can't hide from me, Patsy, I know you're here." A wicked grin stretched across my face, as the sound of her frantically beating heart led me into the rustic chicken themed kitchen. I found her wide eyed and tightly holding a butcher knife in her trembling hand. I chuckled in humorless amusement and raised a brow. "Now, now, it would be a shame to ruin a perfectly good knife like that, don't you think?" 

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