Parting Ways

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I carelessly threw an old running shoe over my shoulder, as I rummaged around in my cluttered cobweb infested closet, collecting all the silly little cat hats that I had accumulated over the years for Sr. Pepper Paws. I'd been busily hustling and bustling, packing up anything that I deemed worthy of "needing the most," which turned out to be a lot of stuff. Ashton was helping pack a few boxes in my room, collecting my art supplies, books, and other random things for me... Or so I thought...

"Who in the name of almighty Beelzebub is Fabian!?" I froze as Ashton's deep voice angrily roared throughout the room, practically shaking the walls. My wide eyes gingerly peeked out from the closet doorway, where I saw him sitting on the floor, propped up against the side on my bed. He was holding a thick black book that was decorated by a few artsy red roses, with a completely livid expression on his face.

No! Not my diary! 

"Hey! I told you that you couldn't read that!" I began to quickly swim through the sea of band tees and dresses that filled my closet floor. My face contorted in disgust as it tore through a dusty old cobweb, while I stumbled out into the bedroom. I frantically rushed across the room, while wiping my face off with my hand, to try to snatch my diary away from him. As I reached for the book, he swiftly lassoed my waist with his snake-like arm, and pulled me down into his side in one swoop. "Give that back!" I yelled as I struggled against him.

"Not until you tell me who the Hell Fabian is, and what he did!...and where he lives for that matter." He seethed as he looked through the pages using the hand that wasn't forcefully restraining me, keeping the book just out of my reach.

"He's just my stupid jerk ex boyfriend... Now give it back!" I desperately tried to lunge at my diary, but Ashton's unyielding arm held me tight. 

"Well now, let's see here..." He brought the book up to his face to closely inspect it. "You very poetically wrote about how heartbroken he made you, but you didn't give a single detail about what exactly happened. So tell me what he did! ... And where I can find him..." His voice held a maniacal bloodthirsty tone. 

"Yeah, that's because what he did really fucking sucked and I didn't want to write it down on paper! Plus, it happened four years ago, so it doesn't even matter anymore!" I glared up at him. 

Nancy fucking Drew over here had better be satisfied with that answer and not press me any further about this... 

"I'm not satisfied with that answer, and I will keep pressing this matter further until you tell me what exactly he did!" His arm tightened around my waist, as he gave me an intense 'spill the fucking beans' look.

"Okay, okay, jeez." I held my hand up in defeat. "I'm only going to tell you this because you're my current boyfriend, and I probably should be open with you about my past sexual partners." My eyes suddenly narrowed at him, as I thought of a clever way to avoid his question. "But first, what's your sexual history like?" I tauntingly smirked at him.

"I've fucked hundreds, possibly thousands of women, and even a few men, but you're my favorite. Now stop avoiding my question and answer me!" He said in a dead serious tone, while looking at me with an impatient scowl. 

I scoffed at his absurdity. "Alright fine, you egotistical lair!" I took in a deep breath and nervously gazed over at the wall, readying myself to try to spew out the painful story as quickly as possible. "I dated Fabian when I was 17. He told me that he loved me and that because we were dating I had to sleep with him, so I did. I gave him my virginity, and then he cheated on me a week later. After that, he told everyone that I was a slutty whore and left me for the other girl. But it's in the past and I don't give a fuck anymore! And please stop reading my diary before you get to what Lance did!"

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