Faded to Black

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Thunder loudly rumbled across the low dark sky, as a dim street lamp flickered overhead. The frigid rain poured down heavily, washing away the blood in thick sanguine rivulets. I watched in dissatisfaction as the eviscerated man fell lifelessly to the ground, pathetically splashing into a crimson puddle. I payed no attention to the car that frantically sped off. My anger blinded me as I seethed in the soaking rain. Their deaths had been far too quick and painless for what they had just attempted.  

I quickly glanced over at Gwendolyn, who was unconsciously slumped up against the tire of a vehicle. My blood froze, and I quickly rushed over to her. Water splashed around me as my knees dropped down to the wet pavement beside her. With trembling arms I picked up her limp disheveled body, and pulled her onto my lap. Panic began rising inside of me as I took in the disquieting sight of her. Blood was dripping from her nose and mouth, mingling with the droplets of rain water that cascaded down her delicate pallid face. Her breathing was shallow, and when I tapped her cheek she was completely unresponsive. 

What the fuck was she poisoned with!? 

"Belzar... I need you..." I warily called out in distress, my eyes never leaving her face as I did so.

Dark wispy tendrils suddenly materialized and expanded into a plume of black mist. Belzar's less threatening earthly wolf form tentatively emerged from it's inky darkness, with his fur quickly becoming drenched. His yellow ferine eyes widened in shock as he took in the sight of Gwendolyn's condition. His large paws splashed through the crimson puddles as he swiftly approached us. He lowered his head with flattened ears to sniff her hair and gave her cheek a small gentle lick, while whimpering as though he were in pain.    

"How did this happen?" His glowing eyes bore a look of agony, as his distraught raspy voice echoed in my mind. 

"I'll explain later. I need you to take these bodies to the shadows and devour them while I tend to her. There's a third one locked in a private room within the building. Leave absolutely no traces behind." I held Gwendolyn closer to me, readying myself to bring her back to the house. 

"I will remove the bodies from this realm, but I will not eat until our precious one has recovered."  He gave me a sorrowful glance.

He snarled and opened his large jaws, allowing his teeth to elongate and sharpen, so that every tooth was a lethal razor sharp fang. He bit down on the disemboweled man's leg, and disappeared in a cloud of black mist, as he dragged the corpse into the shadow realm. I gripped onto Gwendolyn tightly, and then we too disappeared in a cloud of black mist.   

We journeyed through the shadows and instantly reappeared in my bathroom. It was pitch black in there, but I didn't bother wasting time to turn on the light, and simply allowed my eyes to glow instead. I held her unconscious head over the toilet and jammed my fingers down her throat, forcing her to vomit. It was highly unpleasant, but needed to be done. I had to quickly get as much of the toxin out of her that I possibly could. 

My hands were unsteady as I cleaned her face, and stripped her limp body from her wet costume. I dried her off as quickly as I could, then teleported us into the bedroom. She flopped lifelessly around, as I put one of my shirts over her, and laid her down onto the bed. I quickly paced back and forth a few times, while desperately thinking about what to do. What she truly needed was a human doctor. However, I physically couldn't bring her to the hospital since it was somewhere outside of the magical barrier, and the regular doctor's office inside of it had lousy 9-5 hours. 

I have to quickly figure something else out... Think, Azathoth, Think!!

My eyes glanced back over to her unconscious form, and the panic I had been trying to suppress completely took over my senses. She was deathly pale and softly gasping for air. Her normally rosy plump lips were a dull blue color, making her look as though she'd been kissing the ocean waves... Life was slipping from her... My heart sank and fear coursed through my veins like liquid ice. 

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