Shackled and Seduced

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    "This is just a dream, this is just a dream" I whispered to myself while squeezing my eyes tightly shut. I played my night back in my head to reassure myself of the mantra I was chanting. I remembered going to bed and falling asleep with an unsettling feeling of being watched. Now my arms were literally shackled above my head to the goddamn wall, in the same creepy old dungeon from my previous nightmare. 

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

Rationally, I knew that this was all some ridiculous imaginary place, built by my sick and twisted subconscious. If anything, it was probably created thanks to all the stress I put on myself because of school... Or it could have been that I had eaten mixed nuts right before bed again... But, regardless of the cause, it was still disturbingly real and vivid. I could smell the scent of musky stone mixed with fire and smoke. I could hear the flicking of the flames ...and the heavy footsteps approaching me.    

"Oh, Buttercup..." A deep voice silkily cooed. I stiffened at the sound, knowing who the voice belonged to.

Of all the fucked up things that my subconscious has the ability to fabricate, it chooses this? Really?

"Open your eyes... Look at me." He commanded while lifting my chin up with his clawed hand.

"No flippin way, Mephistophilis! I don't have have to listen to you, because you're just some seductive dream apparition. You probably only exist because of the mixed nuts I keep eating right before bed!" I thrashed a bit and kept my eyes closed.

"Oh no.. Did you just say that you ate mixed nuts? There weren't any almonds in the mix, were there?" His voice was filled with sarcastic fake concern, as he tapped his claws nervously against the hard stone next to my head.

"Yes, yes of course there were almonds!" I sounded exasperated and felt ridiculous talking to a stupid imaginary demon about mixed nuts. 

He tisked at me with a snicker. "And here I thought it was common knowledge that those mischievous almonds caused nothing but nocturnal troubles when eaten right before bed." His lips suddenly pressed against my throat and trailed hot kisses up to my ear. "But, regardless of your late night snacking habits, You will still look at my form and know exactly who it is that's fucking you into oblivion. So, I'll tell you once again, open your eyes." His hot breath fanned my ear as he growled out the words. 

"You're not real, this isn't real. I'm just a crazy person who's dreaming..." I said to myself, still refusing to open my eyes, even though I was tempted to scowl at his stupid almond comment.

An evil sounding chuckle rumbled out from his chest. "Open. Your. Eyes!" I suddenly felt his clawed fingers painfully pinch one of my nipples and hold onto it. 

Jumpin Jellybean Jones, that hurt!  ...And yet, my lower stomach clenched with arousal.

"No, you're not real..." I softly whimpered. 

"If I'm not real, then why not enjoy the illusion that this 'seductive dream apparition' can offer you?" He purred while gently caressing up my neck with his claws, sending a shiver down my spine.

I shook my head back and forth in refusal. He let out a loud growl and I suddenly felt his teeth on my other nipple. The pain was sharp, but he didn't bite down hard enough to break the skin. A scream escaped my lips and my eyes finally flew wide open. His teeth released my throbbing bead, and he looked up at me with a devilish smirk. 

"Well done, Buttercup." He flashed his pearly white fangs at me. "Although, I'm a little disappointed that you broke before I could really begin torturing you." He lazily circled a claw around my clit, sending heat between my legs, and then stood to his full height before me. 

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