Something Sinister

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   I quickly rushed up the damp stone path, onto the front porch, and fumbled to swing the screen door and then the regular door open. I practically jumped inside, ducked down, and warily peered out from the bottom of the window next to the door. I saw the black car slowly roll down the driveway and then disappear down the road. A relieved breath escaped me and I slid down against the wall to sit on the floor.  

I'm alive! 

Sr. Pepper Paws pranced over to me and I quickly swooped him up in a big hug. I couldn't believe that I actually made it out of there unharmed. Everything that had happened last night was now just an awful memory. 

"Well, well, well, look who finally just got home." William was suddenly standing in front of me with a scowl on his face.

"Oh.. um, I- uh, well-" 

"You crazy fucking bitch! You sure did have a wild time at that party last night, didn't ya?" His false angry demeanor dropped and was replaced with a very amused grin and loud laughter. 

"You have no idea." I flatly replied.

I could hear Oliver, William's partner, laughing at our conversation from the kitchen.

"Oh, you can't even deny it. I totally saw you getting dicked down by that super sexy beast of a man out in the rain... And the way he passionately whooshed you away...  Woo! Girl, you animal! You even lost your dress!" He enthusiastically exclaimed.

My cheeks reddened in embarrassment. I knew that there was no good way that I could explain what he saw last night, or being in Ashton's shirt and boxers other then having slept with him.   

Oliver casually walked out of the kitchen with a bowl of cereal in his sun tanned hands. His wavy dark brown hair was messy and fell loosely to the nape of his neck, making it obvious that he'd just woken up. His darker masculine appearance was a stark contrast to William's fair and more feminine one. They were both wearing their matching light pink pajama shirts that had "Slut" written on them in bold cursive letters.

"You should probably let Lacey know you're home, she's worried sick about you." Oliver said in his deep voice while pinning me with his electric blue gaze.

"Oh right... Lacey! She's home!" William suddenly shouted, followed by Lacey suddenly bursting out from her bedroom down the hall. I stood up and put Sr.Pepper Paws down.

"Oh thank goodness you're home!" She exclaimed with relief in her voice. "I've been calling and texting you all morning!" She ran over to me and gave me a tight suffocating hug.

Where did my phone go, anyways? I had probably lost it at some point during all that drunken struggling.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you. I think I must have lost my phone at the party. I don't remember when or where though?" I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear while trying to recall.

"It's okay, I'm just glad that you got home safely. William told me that you were off with some unknown guy, and I don't know if you've heard, but there was a murder last night." She looked worried and sounded a bit scared.

"Oh... a-a murder you say?" My body awkwardly froze up and my widened eyes nervously shifted around.

Oh shit! Oh shit!   

"Yeah, you know Allison Reynolds? Apparently she was found in the woods with her chest cut open and her heart removed." Oliver grimly chimed in.

A glorious wave of relief crashed over me... However, it didn't last long and was quickly followed by a sickening dread that made my stomach churn. What the Hell? What kind of sicko does that to someone?

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