Shrouded in Shadows

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The mournful heavy clouds had finally resigned their showering tears and parted ways to allow silvery luminescent light to shine down across the land, filling the room with it's pale lunar glow. I stayed crouched in the darkness beside the bed for quite some time, allowing my eyes to incandescently burn with lust as I gazed upon the beauty before me. 

The soft moonlight gleamed over her delicate features, illuminating her perfect alabastrine skin. I couldn't resist the urge to gently caress her smooth bare throat with one of my claws. She was so soft, like a little dove. I stiffened at the sound of a slight sigh that escaped from between her plump blood red smudged lips. I didn't wish to awaken her considering how feisty she'd been right before falling asleep, so I carefully retracted my hand from her throat and began gently twirling a lock of her long wavy hair instead.  

Here laying before me, could be my one and only chance for deliverance.

I thought that I had been mistaken when I first noticed her presence, as she so peacefully studied yesterday. The faint but somewhat familiar melody of her blood singing had reached my ears and piqued my interest. The tune reminded me of the the sorceress who had begun to unbind me years ago. I followed the sound of her sanguine cadence and began to observe her from the shadows. She had enraptured me with those all too familiar looking emerald green eyes, so I decided to take a closer look, and manifested into the physical realm.

My curiosity did not disappoint me. Even though the first paper of hers that I'd looked at gave no surname, the second one did, and to my delight, it was the same as the one written in the late sorceresses journal. She is in fact of the same bloodline, and thus potentially has the power to break my curse. It was only when that odious sad excuse of a priest had spoken with her did I learn that she is the sorceresses niece, and not a direct descendant as I'd originally hoped, but it was still better than nothing.  

As a captive of abyssal binding magic, my powers are greatly weakened and I am vulnerable. My crippled state has left me unable to journey back to my home dimension of Hell, nor can I wander far from the location where I was released upon the earth. A magical barrier lays along the mountain ranges that encircle this accursed valley. It's invisible to the eye, yet burns at the touch, making this small foreign human village my maddening austere tomb. 

This world is far different than the ancient lands I had remembered, and I have observed these modern humans for half a decade now. They are frail and banal, and never hold my interest for too long. Yet, I still considered it wise to learn their language and culture, all while staying invisible in the shadow realm. 

I'd spent most of my first year here trying to piece together the fragments of my mind that had been lost to insanity during my five millennia roaming The Abyss. Eventually, my attention shifted to searching through the countless manuscripts in the library for any shred of information that might be applicable to my currant situation. Unfortunately, I found nothing but the blasphemous grimoires of impertinent mages and Solomon shit. 

There was, however, one book I knew of that had the knowledge I sought. In it hid the secrets of abyssal magic. The book had been used to unleash me from the dark endless depths, and no doubt to poison the accursed dagger. Within it also held the incantation to unbind my soul. It had been present on the night I was released, but now seems to have disappeared without a trace.

The poisoned dagger that was driven into my shoulder had infected me with an agonizing deadly affliction. It's blackened venom is slowly spreading like a pernicious web beneath my flesh, and it's only a matter of time before it will reach my heart and kill me. My attempts to heal it proved to be futile, as my powers were too weakened. I knew that only if I were unbound would I be able to rid myself of it's toxic presence. Consequently, I had given up on all hope, and come to accept my fate of slowly and painfully resigning my soul to the icy winds of death, forgotten and bereft of necrologies, in this strange distant dimension. 

Most of my ghostly existence was then spent dwelling in the shadows of the dark manuscript lined walls of the library, or smuggling away the books I found interesting up to the old abandoned house, my safe haven from humanity. I only wandered out to the shrouded groves of lamenting spruce to accompany my dear companion, Belzar, whenever he'd playfully scamper around the dark forested landscapes. Though his life is tied to mine and he fully understood the gravity of our grim situation, his spirits never dampened. 

Other than him, the only company I received was from various mages, who knew only of my existence here since they had present on the night I was released. They'd try to coax me out from the shadows with secret rituals of blood sacrifice. I cared not for such offensive things, only replying to their buffoonery on occasion with vicious condemnations, while still invisible to their eyes.

But now, with Gwendolyn in my clutches, everything has changed. She has allowed the rays of hope to slip through the cracks of my dark despondent soul, and I will stop at nothing to accomplish my plan... First, I need to find that book. Once I acquire it, I have to convince the little buttercup to preform the spell for me. 

As easy as it might be to simply force her to do it, the magic won't work that way. The spell has to be spoken with focus and a genuine desire for the outcome. Even though I'm still unsure if her blood will even make it successful at all, she's still the best and only chance I have.

Although she is currently deceived by my pseudo name and illusion of humanity, I'll have to reveal to her that I'm a demon eventually. So, I'll continue to fuck the girl senseless while in my true form as she dreams, in order to get her comfortable with the sight of me. 

Still, convincing a human to unbind a demon will be a very tricky task, and I don't know exactly how much time I have before the poison reaches my heart. I had thought long and hard about how I could possibly get her to willingly and genuinely preform the spell for me.

My solution? I'll just have to make her fall in love with me...      

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