Killer Instincts

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The musical choir of happy little birds faintly sounded through the room, as they gently chirped in the distant trees, greeting the rising sun with their peaceful morning songs. I woke up an hour earlier than usual, with slight burn in the back of my throat from all of my unconscious dry arduous swallowing. I really wanted to stay asleep, but I was way too parched and dehydrated to even consider it. All the crying I'd done last night, after seeing that horrifically brutal ritual murder, was no doubt to blame for my current desiccated state. So, I reluctantly pried my tired eyes open, and sighed.  

The large bedroom was still dark with just the slightest hint of blue early morning light illuminating my surroundings. Ashton was peacefully sleeping beside me, like a dark tranquil giant. His large heavy arms were wrapped tightly around my much smaller body, keeping me pressed firmly against him. One of his hands rested on the back of my head with his fingers entangled in my long hair, and the other was naughtily holding onto my butt. I quietly giggled at his hand placement, and softly kissed just beneath his collarbone. I took in a deep breath, inhaling his wonderful fire and spice scent, then carefully tried to sneak away from his warm slumbering embrace.  

After a good ten minutes of struggling and squirming, I was finally free and slipped out from beneath the warm dark red coverlet. My feet sneakily tip-toed across the cold floor over to my dresser, being extra cautious to avoid stepping on any of the notoriously creaky boards. I slipped on a large loose black sweater dress and a pair of fluffy light pink socks, then shut the dresser drawer with a soft click. I curiously peeked over my shoulder at Ashton, just to make sure that I hadn't woken him up... 

Sweet lemony leprechauns! WHAT THE LIVING FU-!... Oh?...  

I briefly had the living daylights scared right fucking out of me! Because for a mere split second, I thought that I saw his eyes unnaturally glowing like two golden embers, as they possessively gazed over at me with a demonic gleam. However, once I frantically whipped around to face him, I found that he was still just peacefully sleeping with closed eyes. I took in a deep shaky breath to quiet my paranoiac imagination and calm my nerves. I remained facing him as I awkwardly slid sideways across the room, as if I were a crab ice skating along the floor using my slippery socks, and quickly slunk out the door. 

The weeping crystal chandelier softly glittered in the dim early morning glow, as I quietly pranced down the stairs. I briefly peeked into the living room, where little Sr. Pepper Paws was all snuggled up and cozily tucked into Belzar's much larger body, as they peacefully slept by the fireplace together. I warmly smiled, happy that it didn't take them too long to become friends, especially since William had taken Esquire back to Oliver's house with him.    

I strolled into the kitchen, and poured myself a much needed tall glass of water. My back leaned against the modern chrome refrigerator, as I guzzled down my drink like I'd been stranded in the Sahara desert for a month. 

My mind began to wander to the strange macabre events of last night. Not just to the nightmarish cult ceremony, but also to the way Ashton had ruthlessly killed that woman without a second thought. I then wondered about how he had even managed to hear all that chanting from where we had dumped her body. And what was up with that strange language he was whispering to Belzar in? Why was he even whispering to Belzar in the first place? He's a freaking wolf who can't even understand what we're saying...

I sighed and shook my head, then placed my glass on the counter, saving it for later. As I moseyed out of the kitchen, I noticed that we had tracked a lot of dirt into the foyer from our boots last night. My brows furrowed, as I thought about how pointless it would be to go back to bed at this hour. I had my art class this morning anyways, and I also didn't want to wake Ashton up. So, I decided to make good use of my extra time and do some sweeping instead.   

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