Epilogue- Departing from this World

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Soft crepuscular rays blithely glimmered down through the wavering green leaves of the mighty ascended oak, the sacred keeper of primogenitor knowledge. Beneath it's enchanted boughs and beside the clear winding stream, stood two bright souls. Glittering butterflies and delicate fluttering petals danced on the breeze around them, while they peacefully peered together into the calm crystalline water which rested within the depths of the scrying well.

Lacey stepped away from the well and leisurely strolled over to the stream, where she dipped her dainty cocoa hand into the cooling waters. Her fingertips grasped at the many colorful gemstones which blanketed the bed of the sparkling rivulet. They brilliantly glittered beneath the bright rays of afternoon sun as she playfully stirred them up. Her russet eyes glimmered with serenity, and her soul was at peace in the afterlife created by the summertime fae.

The light gently kissed her cheeks, illuminating them with a warm golden glow. A smile danced across her beautiful face, with her luscious raven ringlets tumbling down her back and loosely slipping over her shoulder. She pulled a few of the vibrant jewels up to the surface, causing small shimmering droplets to drip back down upon the water's flowing surface. 

"I'm really going to miss you, you know." She stated with a wistful smile as she walked back over to the well. Her newly acquired treasures rested within the palm of her hand, while her long light green dress fluttered in the warm breeze behind her. 

Elowynn Lovingly smiled back, with her fiery auburn locks catching the light like a flaming halo upon her crown. "I'll miss you too, my dear." Her emerald eyes glistened with unshed tears. "But, my work has been completed and I'm at peace with Gwendolyn's future. The time has finally come for me to reincarnate." The lush grass and colorful midsummer flowers gently swayed around them as she softly spoke.

Lacey peered back into the well, where and image of Gwendolyn and Azathoth cuddling on the stone bench by the lake came into view. Autumn leaves blazed around them and the golden sun hung low in the horizon. "He's going to take good care of her and be an amazing father to their future hellions." She gently spoke as she lovingly watched. "But I can't leave just yet. Darrell's fate is yet to come, and I plan to watch until he's at peace. I want to see his joy when he receives what the stars have in store for him." A sly knowing smirk danced upon her full lips, and her small soft laugh faintly rang through the air like a crystal chime.

Elowynn tenderly took Lacey's hands in hers with a warm motherly smile. "Perhaps we'll see each other in another lifetime then." She squeezed her hands.

"I hope so." Lacey softly responded. She closed her eyes tightly shut as the two women lovingly embraced.  

Emerald green and russet brown eyes gazed back into the well, where they watched together one final time... 

"Haha! Remember this one? That time you were ambushed by that mob of angry monkeys?" Gwendolyn playfully held up her phone, showing Azathoth a comical image of himself stumbling over while being attacked by a barrel of rhesus macaques, dramatically feigning defeat with flailing arms.

Azathoth chuckled at the memory while lovingly pulling her closer into his side. "Yes, they sure got me good, didn't they?" He joked with an amused grin.

"You certainly did have them believing that! Remember their victory dance once they were certain you were dead!?" She joyfully exclaimed and snuggled further against him, brushing her cheek on the rough material of his jacket.

"How could I ever forget?" He softly laughed.

His eyes warmly glowed with love and adoration as he gazed down upon his wife, watching her joyfully reminiscence over all the places they had traveled to together. Autumn had come and gone twice now since they'd been wed, and with each passing season their love only grew stronger. He had patiently given her all the time she needed to allow her heart to heal, and also to finish up school. 

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